My stereo/hifi is really quiet?

I've just been given a pretty old hifi and I'm using a lead from the back to connect to my iPhone, the thing is that even when the hifi is on 35 volume it's still really quiet, all I know that it's a SHARP Sub woofer system with Dolby digital and a 3 disc tray thing. Can anyone tell my why it is so quiet and how I fix it? Thank you. Sorry I couldn't tell anyone more about this system, I've only got it today

Does E.T. Phone home on $500 iphone?

Does E.T. Phone home on $500 iphone?

Added (1). In the E.T. Remake

Added (2). With CGI E.T. Instead of a rubber suit costume

Added (3). Directed by Michael Bay and starring Megan Fox

Added (4). Also, facebook will be in the movie, and laptops with windows 8 on them.

How to transfer music without syncing?

I'm tired of iTunes. It always copy my music from my iPhone to computer without my permission. I don't like the syncing. So can you tell me how to transfer music without syncing?