I cracked my iphone screen badly, can it still be repaired?

I cracked my iphone screen badly, can it still be repaired? - 1

Added (1). I know generally people crack their iPhone screen, but I haven't seen anyone's as bad as this. Please check the picture and judge for yourself I cracked my iphone screen badly, can it still be repaired - 1 the screen is not popped out or anything but it took a big impact on the silent switch.

Which Camera to Buy: Sony WX350 or Sony WX220?

I'm looking to purchase a camera for my upcoming vacation. I currently use my iPhone 6 to take all my photos and want something a little better. I have done some research and it seems like Sony makes pretty good cameras. The most important factors to me are image quality and price. I'm looking to spend $220 max.

Please let me know which of the two you would recommend, unless you there's something else better.

How to turn off iPhone calls on other Apple devices?

I have an iPod touch 5th gen on iOS 8.3 and anyone who phones my iPhone will appear on the screen. I can't seem to find an option under FaceTime or iMessage saying to disable the cellular feature so that it only rings on the phone. How can I stop it?

How to find my photos on iCloud?

My old phone broke (iPhone 6) and I had not backed it up, however, the phone guy guaranteed that my photos would automatically be backed up somewhere? Well I can't find them anywhere? Any ideas how I can get them back? Also, I seem to be linked to my brothers phone and all our contacts are linked and it's annoying, I'm guessing my pictures I take will come up on there as well? Well I don't want that so please can someone out there tell me how to get my pictures back and possibly un-link myself from my brothers phone! Please x