Can I text a number I blocked on iPhone?

So, I sent my ex a series of iMessages, but then realized that I'd blocked his number and forgot to unblock him before they were sent. Will he still receive my messages or do I have to send them again now that he's unblocked?

How can I get my Kik app to stop being stuck on connecting? (read details)?

Since two days ago, my Kik page has been stuck on "Connecting" at the top. Each of my messages I've sent is stuck on "s". The problem isn't on my end in terms of connection, because my Wi-Fi and cellular data is working fine for everything else on my phone.

I've tried closing the app (stopping background activity and everything) at least a hundred times. I've toggled the connection in my phone on and off. I've restarted my phone at least a dozen times. I eveuslly even logged out and later deleted and redownloaded the app a few times, which was a last resort because it erased my entire chat history. Nothing is working. I've never seen or heard of a problem like this before, where even deleting the app isn't working.

I have an IPhone X, iOS 12, and the most updated version of Kik. Is there anything else I can try?

Can I be held accountable for an iPhone that I sold someone on OfferUp later that was reported lost or stolen?

I purchased an iPhone from a seller on OfferUp whom at the time, everything checked out clean and i used it for about 4 days for my own personal use. I decided that i needed one with more storage, so i decided to put that one up for sale to get the money back i needed to buy a bigger one. It was an AT&T iphone and i met the buyer at an local AT&T store to have them check out the phone to make sure that it was 100 percent clean as well. They activated it on their account inside the store and the sale was made. Well, 3 weeks later, the buyer contacts me and tell me that the phone is unusable anymore - that the phone was just reported lost or stolen. I know that I didn't do it, but they told me that they are going to press charges on me by the local police. Can I be held accountable for this whole ordeal even though I have nothing to do with the phone being reported? The phone had previous owners before me whom i purchased it from.

IMessage issue in my iphone 6?

I recently changed phone-number but my old number is the one in iMessage, though in fading-out grey. I've tried to change my Apple ID's password, tried the whole logging-in and logging-out thing and other stuff, but nothing seems to help.

Do you have any other tips?