Here are the details; I went into the hot springs for 30 seconds max, in less than 3 feet of water. So I thought my phone would be fine, I got out, everything worked, and I thought I was good, but then my phone started glitching green so then I turned my phone off, the touch screen worked just fine. Then I put it in rice and after 2 days heard that wasn't a good idea. So I pulled it out and turned it on and the phone was no longer Green, I thought I saved it, the. It died right there and now every time I turn it on, the apple logo turns on then turns off then it does it again Over and over again. So I put it in front of a cool fan to dry for 3 days, now I'm here. I tried to factory reset the phone because I read that it worked on apple forums, and now it just says plug into iTunes because when I try to finish the process it turns off. So now i'm wondering what my costs and problems are. The phone was $1300 and now it's $1200. It's 256gb and I don't wanna lose it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The touch screen does work, the Face ID said it wasn't able to work and I noticed a lot of fogging in the front and back camera lens, but it's gone now that I fully dried the phone.