Black and white lines on iPhone 6 screen?

My iPhone 6 battery was due for a replacement because I could hardly use it for 5 seconds before it dying. I have replaced my own battery before and did it again without a hitch today. However, I noticed when I tired to type the letter "s" it would type both "a" and "d" at the same time as well as when I tried to type "z" it would use the caps button and "b". So I figured I would just disconnect the screen ribbons and reconnect them to a tighter fit and now when I turn the phone on all it shows are black and white lines. I have attempted over 20 times of disconnecting and reconnecting the cables but it still shows the same thing. I even tried disconnecting the battery and repeating but no dice. Is there something I'm doing wrong or did I just damage the motherboard?

How to clean ear speaker on an iPhone 7+?

I was trying to clear up my scratches on my screen with toothpaste when some of it got caught in the ear speaker, I've tried using a toothbrush but nothing seems to work, now my speaker sounds all crackily like.

Is it a prank if I keep getting texts from different iphone numbers?

I thought it's someone I know trying to talk to me but how can they use different iphone numbers because the message is coming as an imessage? I'm so confused. Is there a possibility to use imessage without having an iphone or use some sort of apps that give numbers that come as imessages?

My parents won't buy me a new phone?

I still have an iPhone 4s, it's like 7 years old, it can't even get new updates, it's small, and it's painfully laggy. Mine is stuck on iOS 8, I can't even update it. My parents say "that phone is fine", it's not fine. It barely works. They not let me get a new iPhone, I want at least an iPhone 6 and they won't even get me that. What should I do? I'm going crazy.