Linked iclouds on two iPhones?

So I really don't know what's happened but all my pictures are appearing on my brothers phone. I realised that he's using my iCloud account on his phone but when we try to change it to his own account it also changes on my phone. How can I fix this?

Can I be hacked by emai?

I opened an email sent to me & when I opened it had weird stuff kinda looked like coding? I don't know I didn't get a good look at it because I immediately exited out. I opened the email on my IPhone, could I be hacked now? I didn't click on any links or anything.

My mom cheated on my (now deceased) dad, and i'm the only person who knows?

To give some info, my father died of cancer when i was eleven, and he was in and out of the hospital for most of my life. (i'm a sixteen y/o girl, youngest of five) my parents always had a loving relationship (married 25 years) and stuck together even through hard times. I was hanging out with my mom and i used her phone to google something because she asked me to, and when i opened her phone it was at her texts & she had written a a long passage to her 'boyfriend' (this is in quotes because they used to date, got into a fight and date on and off now). Her phone froze on the screen because it's an older iphone and it's slow and i read the message. Apparently they've been in a relationship for ten years, even though she introduced us to him a year ago under the guise of meeting a few months before at work. If you do the math, they were in a relationship for five years before my dad died. In addition, she has been coming home way later than usual under the guise of having extra work but she has actually been seeing him secretly (also in the message). I know i shouldn't have read what was on the screen so i'm at fault, but what do i even do? I understand that my dad was sick and couldn't exactly be the 'model husband' all the time but to cheat is just unthinkable. Should i confront her? Should i tell my siblings? What do i do i'm so confused and upset.

Why does the uk seem governed by globalism and corporations now?

Britain has changed so much. Mass immigration which has transformed the country greatly… And so many american programs and adverts on television now… Everyone has an apple iphone and is glued to it… Big corporations are everywhere… Parts of the nhs being privatized.

is anyone depressed by any of this? Britain has changed beyond all recognition.

IPhone has a problem

So I have an iPhone 6 which I brought back in April 2016. There have been issues before with my phone deleting all my pictures, notes, messages, numbers, information and logging me out of apps. I got this fixed back in September 2017. Now this is not the problem anymore but a new problem has occurred.

I don't know how or why but some apps my iPhone 6 cuts of some of the screen which is SO ANNOYING. It makes the screen look like an iPhone 4. This started back in November 2017 and I can't take it anymore. When you look at my friends iPhone 6 their apps are completely normal and looks like, well how apps on iPhone 6 looks.


Why do 20th-century born people miss their decades?

People born in 1900-1999 were born in the 20th century, but I proudly call it the stupid century.

These dummies think they're decades is so much better than the 2010's!

I was born in 2000, and I laugh so hard when they claim the 70's were better than 2010's. Yeah:

- No iPhones
- No Social Media


What's happening to my iPhone 5 S?

One day I went onto my phone and it wouldn t turn on because it was dead so I plugged it in but instead of charging it just shows the apple logo then it disappears and shows that the phone is dead. Whenever I charge the phone it's on an endless cycle of this what do I do?