How to stop unwanted alerts on iPhone 7?
How to stop unwanted alerts on iPhone 7?
How to stop unwanted alerts on iPhone 7?
So i smashed the screen of my iphone6, and there are a bunch of strange colors and lights of the screen. It's also unresponsive. If i get my screen repaired, will that also automatically fix the other issues, or do i have to get them repaired separately?
And I also can't send messages or phone call please help me thanks alot also my Carrier is MetroPCS
I haven't run out of charge, i had plenty, i was scrolling through instagram and the screen just went black. It felt really hot to touch so i set it aside and waited for it to cool down. Once it had i tried holding down the lock and home button, it went warm again but aside from that nothing happened. I've tried connecting it to my laptop but that doesn't do anything. Its a fairly new phone as my previous one shattered. Any ideas?
I was at the store tonight. I was minding my own business, strolling down the aisle while texting on my iphone 10. However, some man is behind me and shouts "GET OFF YOUR PHONE"
I'm about to get a new phone for my birthday and I can't decide between an iPhone 7 128GB or an iPhone 8 64GB. Thoughts?
Added (1). I haven't had an iPhone in years and fancy a change from my trusty Samsungs. I currently have a Galaxy S7. Is there much difference between the iPhone 7 and 8? I can't decide if to go for a bigger storage or the newer phone.
My phone reads on the screen iphone is disabled connect to itunes?
Example, the retail box of an iphone has both English and Russian inscriptions at the back bcus it's sold in Russia. It's still legit, right?
Do cheap wire headphones NOT WIRELESS connected to my iPhone give any sort of mghz or stimulation harmful effects.
Okay so recently my mom comes up to me and says "You're dad knows web specialist, they'll find out who you're talking too and what you're doing on video games or the internet and ect…" (Context, they don't want me talking to my boyfriend anymore cuz he's not our religion) so like… Can they actually figure out if I'm talking to him on Snapchat or discord? Or video games like Overwatch and steam? Like on my laptop or IPhone?