Why are 20th century born people (1900-1999) saying the '90s is better than the 2010s?

I was born in 2000, and people born before by most people were said to be born in the twentieth century but I proudly call it the 'ignorant century'.

These dummies say the '90s is better than the 2010s, but when I google '90s culture and images I just laughed down in the floor laughing so hard!

The only way the '90s could've been better is by having iPhones, Snapchat, instagram, and music having remixes!

What should i do if my phone and computer is hacked?

When i signed in on my work schedule online on both my phone and computer, it said the connection was not private and someone was trying to steal my financial info. Also when my phone is locked it says on the screen "PAY WITH TOUCH ID" with a picture of my card wth? I'm most likely canceling my cards but what is going on? Should i get a new phone? I have an iphone and an acer computer

When will US working conditions improve?

I work at Starbucks and I want AT LEAST a $15/hour minimum wage, but I feel I'm entitled to much more, but corporations are too greedy to give more, so we should shoot for $15.

I should also be allowed to be on my phone all day, the customers can wait for their lattes, I have instagrams to post, including their lattes, so they LITERALLY have to wait for me to finish Instagram before they can get their order.

I'm entitled to my iPhone X and using it for everything, anytime I want, my parents pay for it, I'm 22, they SHOULD be paying for it for me, and everyone else should let me do what I want, they can wait and not be selfish.

If I get fired for doing what I have the right to do, I'll SUE!

Millennials are abused and get no respect, brah!

Why do 20th century born people think they had a better childhood than us 21st century borns?

People born before 2000 think they had a good childhood.

How stupid are they? The 20th century was the most violent century of all times so you can get killed or hurt back then.

As a 2000 born, I think I can easily say the 2010s dominates the '90s, the '90s wasn't good anyway.

The '90s sitcoms were stupid, the '90s music sounded like a man farting on a public restroom, movies were boring, games were stupid, no iphones/social media existed, etc.

Like i dropped my girlfriend s iphone?

So i dropped my girlfriend s iphone accidentally and now the apps won't open. But the phone was still working fine, a few minutes has passed, the apps won't open anymore. Is there a way to fix this than buying a new one?