Hi! I'm a senior and graduating in a couple weeks. I dropped out of the sorority two months ago because I didn't enjoy it anymore and the people "in charge" were falsely persecuting me. In short, I sent in my excuse for an event as I was out of town. They asked for proof (aka my location via iPhone), which I did. However, they continued stalking me on social media through others (I don't have them on social media) and they called me in to a meeting accusing me of lying. They told me my chicken and waffles dish looked like it was from a local restaurant, but it wasn't. So we argued for over an hour, with me telling them off and dropping because I was not gonna "lie" to them and say I lied about being out of town when I was really out of town lol. I was not gonna pay 300 bucks (200 for missing the event and 100 for disrespectful behavior). That was the end of things, but I still had to pay my dues. I paid my dues and thought it was over. Fast forward, my friend invited me to her/our last formal as her date, and you can bring ANYONE as your date. They told me I couldn't go because of rules and they messaged my friend to not take me, which they never did. For some reason, the whole senior class, who I thought were my friends, turned against me and are spreading vicious lies. I'm actually afraid they'll boo me off the stage at graduation infront of my family. The only thing I did wrong was cursing the president off, but everyone else thinks either wise. Is this normal?