If someone uses my iPhone charger, will it put my stuff on their phone?
If someone else uses my charger, can they see stuff from my phone on theirs?
If someone else uses my charger, can they see stuff from my phone on theirs?
My phone only lets me post one photo a day on Instagram story. How do you post more. (I DO NOT HAVE A IPHONE)
Also if possible on an iPhone as I don't have a laptop
I bough an iPhone 6 on amazon and it just came in. I'm a little sketched out because from the moment i turned it on, i never saw the set up screen. (The one that says hello in multiple languages and allows you to start your phone)
Is that odd? Should i restart it?
On amazon, i bought a pair of headphones that were usb-c by mistake. I use iphone and a pc computer, they don't have usb-c plugs. The headphones are usb-c and i'm trying to find an adapter that makes usb-c go to a 3.5mm audio jack. I want one where the usb-c side is "open" and the 3.5mm jack side is "closed" (no hole). I don't really know how to explain this, hope somebody understands.
I got a new iPhone December 2016 and had stopped using my old one then, although it had still worked perfectly besides normal old iPhone stuff (constant draining battery, etc). I have been trying to turn it on recently, and this thing is full-on dead it seems. Won't charge at all. I have a friend who is in the hospital and probably won't make it much longer, and I know I have pictures and videos of him on that phone. They were not in the iCloud or shared photos or whatever. My question is, if I were to bring this dead iPhone to an Apple tech support in the Apple store, is there any hope they can retrieve photos through some sort of software or opening the phone up or something? I figured the answer was no since iPhones don't have memory cards, just wondering if anyone knew if something like this was possible before I go all the way down to the store.
How can I clone myself for a video, using and iPhone on iOS?
What's the best anti virus app to get for IPhone 6 tried to download 360 Security but it will not let me?
I'm having trouble logging into my desktop to use I forgot all the security questions I only have access to my email through my iPhone?
Is there a good app (for iPhone) I can use to track where I go on my bike? Preferably using google maps?