How can use these headphones?

The headphones that i bought from amazon was by mistake, it was already too late to cancel. The headphones don't match any of my devices since it is usb-c. Is there an adapter that i can use these headphones with my computer or my iphone?

Insane Craigslist Scam - Need Advice?

So I bought a gaming PC on Craigslist and was dumb enough to trust the kid that the parts were legit. Turns out he scammed me and all of the parts are garbage and the thing isn't even worth close to the $500 that I paid for it.
Here's where it gets interesting - the kid was dumb enough to put his real iPhone number on the ad. So I did a reverse phone lookup and it showed up with a name. Looked up the name on Facebook and its the kids dad. Tons of pictures of him on Facebook. Did some more research and now I have his mom and dads phone number and address. (Kinda creepy how much you can find online)
So I need advice. What's the best way to get my money back? I know exactly what kind of car he drives and I have his phone number. Should I contact the police? Or should I call his parents, let them know what happened and tell them I need my money back today or I will contact the police? I just feel like the parents will be very confused/upset if I call them. And I feel like the police will not care at all if i were to contact them

If a stranger picks up a dropped sim card for an iphone can they access my photos?

My boyfriend smashed his phone off a lamp post today with images of us and mug shots (lol) of me which i'm not too keen for people to be seeing. We went back later on to find a phone there with a sim gone. What exactly can they see of my boyfriends with just that iphone 5s sim? Also can we ever get those pictures back with no sim nor phone?

How do I convince my parents to get rid of family cat?

I don't want this cat. I didn't want him when we first got him. I wanted a guinea pig, but for Christmas my dad got me a stupid kitten. I was super happy, and asked how long we could keep it. He said until it died. I really don't want to wait until he dies, I want this cat gone now.

He sneezes light green gooey snot everywhere. He is expensive. He keeps me up until 5am every night. He is annoying and knocks everything down. He gets ME in trouble.

My dad makes ME get rid of the snot, blame ME for being up late and making noise (I'm in bed, the cat is destroying my room), the cat lives in my room (sleeps in here, eats in here, litterbox in closet, plays here), he destroys all my stuff (new iPhone 4s even though it's old, it was expensive at the time), and more!

I want him gone, but my dad puts all the blame on me. "Anon, it's your cat." "Well, don't ask me for a cat next time." I've really had enough. He's an okay cat and I love him, but I won't ruin my sleeping schedule and be screamed at for something that I think is a "decent cat."

Added (1). Okay, I didn't clarify this but IK someone will say something about it:
I won't be killing the cat.
And I won't make it run away.

It will be just taking him to a shelter and rehoming him.

Added (2). Please read the question. He is in my room at night. He can't be in the basement. He sneezes because he just does. We have went to 4 different vets, they all say something about him being born with it and might grow out of it. He's not sick. He's sneezed for 3 years. We had the cat for three years. I did get the guinea pig, and at the time, the cat didn't live in my room (again I CAN'T ask people to get him out) and he was a great pet. Much better than the cat.

Added (3). And I know, pets are a HUGE responsibility. That's why I researched and loved my guinea pig (an old one close to death I only had for 1 year, no one wanted it since it wouldn't get along with the other pigs). I do know pets are NOT toys. I do NOT want this cat for that reason. My family likes to hold it until it meows, vacuum its back, and spin it around.
I find it really stupid that people think that I think pets are toys. If I knew he was coming, I would research the cat.

Added (4). I'm not dumb. Do you think I want an animal in my room? NO! I WANT HIM GONE! Idiots these days, smh. I researched a guinea pig because I expected a guinea pig. I don't think you people can read very well…

Added (5). People call me a spoiled child./ smh. Read the damn details next time. I did NOT expect a cat. I'm being FORCED by my parents to take care of a cat I did NOT ask for. WE DO TAKE IT TO A VET READ THE DAMN DETAILS. I said I would NOT toss this cat. I want him to get a good, loving home. My family doesn't care for the cat. Damn, point hunters.

Added (6). There are updates for a reason, he is NOT SICK. It's the way he was born.

Can getting shocked by an iphone charger kill you?

I was taking a shower and my hair was still wet when I came out of the bathroom and tried to unplug my phone. My skin was dry and all but the cable was frayed and shocked me. I was just wondering if I should be worried about anything? (Probably not, but couldn t hurt to ask!)