I recently got an iPhone 6 Plus after having a bulky 4s for a few years. And I use it a lot more often for school and to watch YouTube videos after long days. I usually lay it on my chest or on one of my breasts standing up to see the screen better (I had clothes on of course) but I stopped after I realized it could possibly be harmful, I've been using this phone for almost a year now.
I use my phone like this pretty regularly after school, but I'm also in pretty good shape and eat right, I also have no family history of breast cancer that I'm aware of. I just turned 20 and had a breast exam done (I'm a very small A) and they didn't find anything. I will
defiantly be smater about my iPhone usage now, but will this cause a problem in the future? What can I do to prevent it? Beside not putting it on my chest of course, thanks!