Is the Apple Watch Series 3 with GPS only good?

I have the iPhone 8 and I really want an apple watch. The GPS only is quiet cheaper than the one with LTE. What's the difference? And should I get the gps only like will it let me k now when some one is calling, messages, etc…

Can I re catch the flu if I don't disinfect household items?

So I just had the flu and I was wondering if I can re catch it by not disinfecting things like remote controls, iphones, couches, and my laptop? I'm having real bad anxiety over this but I'm too lazy to go buy disinfection wipes/sprays. If I can re catch it then I will go out but if I can't re catch it then I will stay home.

Breast Cancer and IPhone Radiation?

I recently got an iPhone 6 Plus after having a bulky 4s for a few years. And I use it a lot more often for school and to watch YouTube videos after long days. I usually lay it on my chest or on one of my breasts standing up to see the screen better (I had clothes on of course) but I stopped after I realized it could possibly be harmful, I've been using this phone for almost a year now.

I use my phone like this pretty regularly after school, but I'm also in pretty good shape and eat right, I also have no family history of breast cancer that I'm aware of. I just turned 20 and had a breast exam done (I'm a very small A) and they didn't find anything. I will

defiantly be smater about my iPhone usage now, but will this cause a problem in the future? What can I do to prevent it? Beside not putting it on my chest of course, thanks!

Feel like I'm losing my hearing?

The sound setting on my phone has always stayed the same. I've noticed that I've now had to turn the volume on my iPhone up into the "red zone" whereas a couple of months ago, I could enjoy the music while it it was still on "normal." I now struggle to hear things like people calling me, where before I could literally hear someone speaking on the other side of the house. I don't know if it's making it worse, but because my hearing seems to have gotten worse, I tend to listen to my music pretty loud (well, it's not loud for me but I imagine it is for other people) and when I take my earphones out, my ears ring for a couple minutes. I also listen to music a LOT. Out of a 12 hour day, I spend maybe 3-4 hours with earphones plugged in. Also, is there any proof that ear scraping is damaging to hearing? Sorry if It sounds gross; I like to keep my ears clean and I use the traditional "Asian ear pick," which I'm pretty sure does not compact ear wax like a Q tip does, as it scrapes out rather than pushes. Still, is this bad?

What color should I use for the text on this black and white image?

I'm trying to add text to this picture, and I've tried several colors for the text in different levels of opacity, but nothing is looking right. I'm making it to be an iPhone wallpaper, and I don't want the text to be on her face. Any ideas?

Added (1). Looking for the right color for text on this photo. Please note that I won't hace the blank black space since it'll be made to fit my iPhone. What color should I use for the text on this black and white image