I hate the phone my parents bought me?

I recently had a birthday and my parents got me an iPhone 8 Plus, I just think it's way too big. My old phone was an iPhone 5s and I prefer that phone because it's easy to hold and put in my pocket, I have never had a phone this big before, it looks like a tablet. What should I do? Should I tell my parents that I don't like it? I'm scared.

Do you get charged texting/calling international from US to UK?

I asked this before but I got mixed answers and I'm confused lol. Basically I'm in the US, Florida and my friend is in the UK with a UK phone number and everything. I do have Verizon unlimited texting and I also have an iPhone 8 Plus

I'd like to text her normally but can I even do that without getting charged?

And also since I have IMessage could I also just "text her through email " would that be a charge?

Can I text from US to an UK number or will I get charged

I have a friend in England who I like to text but we're talking on Instagram for now because I do not know if I can text. I do have an iPhone 8, I have Verzion and Unlimited texting of course but I live in Florida

Can I text England number or would there be a charge? I have no clue about this lol thank you

How to get iMessage across all devices?

I have an iPhone X and I'm trying to reactivate my iPhone 6 (yes, ignore the fact that I'm going from an X to a 6). I'm having an issue however, where my old messages that I sent from my X aren't showing up on my 6. Is there any way to transfer these without doing an iCloud backup and restore?

Can your browsing history be seen if you use Wi-Fi?

Say I use Safeway, mc Donald's, Walmart big companies Wi-Fi on my iphone. Can my browsing history be seen if it is requested by court. What about if I troll with a fake account on Breitbart or ign about Donald Trump.

What photo filter is this?

I know I have seen it before and I thought it was the "Chrome" one included on the iPhone but this one is more orange. Any ideas? What photo filter is this

My iPhone alarm doesn't work if I've slept too little?

I tend to stay up late, like Really late. Back when I was in high school and I had morning classes, I would sometimes stay up until 4 to 5 am, set several alarms for 7 am and go to sleep, only to wake up at noon, miss the classes, get in trouble, you got it. Now, I have a job and I wake up at 10 to 11 am, so it hasn't been a trouble for me until today. I want to try and adapt to the Everyman sleep schedule, so yesterday, right before falling asleep at 3 am, I set my alarm to 6. And guess what, it didn't go off and I've slept till noon again.
Has anyone else faced this problem? Any ideas how to get around it?