Is it bad that I can't relate to the kids in my school?
I'm in freshman year at the moment, but I'm going to be a sophomore in August. Ever since I started high school I felt like I wasn't like the kids in my grade or I couldn't relate to them. Most kids in my grade have iphones, I have an android. They like to be rude to teachers and talk during class, I'm quiet and my teachers like me. They liked getting involved in drama, I don't. They're beautiful and have friends, I don't. They have boyfriends/girlfriends, I don't. They bully people, I can't even find the guts to talk to any one. They skip class and get detentions, I never have skipped class or gotten a detention. Because of my shyness and inability to talk to people, I don't have any friends. They love themselves, I don't. They are into money and steal, I'm not. They like rap music, I don't. The kids in my grade bullied me by asking me super personal questions, and when I think about how I can't relate to the kids my age I feel like there's something wrong with me or I'm just different in general because all the kids my age are basically the same. I feel kind of upset because I can't relate to any of the kids my age so I don't know if I'm going to be able to make friends when I become a sophomore in august. Is it bad that no one else in my grade is like me or is it bad that I'm super different? Thoughts?