Did Apple remove the ability to create calendars/events on the iPhone itself? I can only create iCloud calendars now?

On my old iPhone 4S, my calendars were all on the phone itself (I think there was also the option of having calendars that synced to your iCloud account as well, but I liked just having them on my phone, I didn't want to deal with iCloud). But with my new iPhone 6, I can't get the calendars to work unless I enable iCloud to work with the calendars. It doesn't allow me the option of creating new calendars, or to add any events to any of those calendars, unless I enable iCloud with the calendars. Did Apple remove the ability to create calendars locally on the phone?

How to afford to move out?

I need out of my parents house NOW i can't stand it here anymore. It's too toxic. I'm 27, I have a full time job. I only make $1,597 a month (No I can't ask for a raise because they don't give raises). My credit is excellent. But I can't afford the land, the trailer or the downpayment and the depression is eating at me daily to were it's getting worse. I can't wait anymore. The house is $119,000, the land is $8500 but my bills are in the way. I pay $100 a month in gas for my car, $110 a month for entertainment, $387.18 a month for my car note and $60 a month for my phone, my parents pay my phone bill but I'm paying off the physical phone as I upgraded to an Iphone x max as little while ago. I don't really want a roommate because I can't stand other people's annoying habits and I have some expensive collectables and I have trust issues with people. I just can't live here anymore, it's putting a strain on everything in my life including my mental and physical health. What do I need to do? I can't wait another second. Help ME Please

Added (1). I make $12.20 an hour and I couldn't handle a second job because the hours at my job are set, and I work afternoons to Evenings/night so getting a second job wouldn't even be possible

I fought my brother 2 days ago?

I'm 21 and he's 22 so I know we're a little too old to be fist fighting but it was because I had his iPhone because mine was dead. I ended up dropping his phone. I did not mean to drop it. I even said sorry but he started cussing at me saying I need to buy him a new phone. I ended up cussing back because nothing was even wrong with phone, it's not cracked or anything. So one thing led to another and we were punching each other. Now even though I'm the younger brother. I'm taller and bigger do I tried not to hurt him but he was trying to hurt me. Punching me hard in the face. So I threw him to the ground and we then we walked out the store. I tried getting away but he kept trying to fight me in public.

Long story short, my parents took (mostly my mom) took his
side. Because he told them I attacked him at the store. So I look like the bad guy even though i apologizes. Was this my fault? I don't know what to do? My brother isn't talking to me and I'm not talking to him.