Can you pay for Hulu through an iTunes gift card? If so i don't know how to use it?
Can you pay for Hulu through an iTunes gift card? If so i don't know how to use it?
Can you pay for Hulu through an iTunes gift card? If so i don't know how to use it?
Now my IPhone is acting weird. Volume buttons don't work, and storage went all the way full despite me deleting several apps. Is there a way to fix this?
White cord:
Charges ipad
Doesn't charge phone
Gray cord:
Charges both
The white charger was working fine on the phone an hour ago
If I found an item in a store I really want but can't pay for it, can I just seize it?
Or if somebody left their iPhone right by themselves and I seized it without any physical bodily harm to the individual, that is completely legal, right? Or is it considered theft?
I honestly don't get it. Under most civil forfeiture laws, seizure is not considered theft.
HOWEVER, if seizure IS considered theft, then whoever seizes your personal property can legally be charged for a crime then, correct?
Instead of demanding the seized property back from a law enforcement agency, can't you just press charges against the officer who stole your property?
You can't have it either way. Seizure is either theft and you can press charges against anyone who stole your property; or seizure is completely different than theft thus makes it legal to seize anything from anybody or anything.
I request answers from somebody who has at least studied law before, and not some dimwit who has an opinionated response.
Added (1).
No where in that definition does it state that seizure only pertains to governmental or law enforcement agencies.
As a civilian, if I publicly say I seized property on suspicion of it being used for criminal activity, it is completely legal to do so.
No due process needed.
Added (2). If seizure is theft, why don't people (who had this happen to them) take the law enforcement officer whomever stole their property and PRESS CHARGES against the individual and convict them of a felony if the amount of value was above the certain amount (which usually is because vehicles, houses, and thousands of dollars are typically confiscated) which qualifies as a felony in your state?
I'm genuinely confused
Added (3). And even if it only involves law enforcement or the government, you have to define that also.
Definition of Law Enforcement
"Law enforcement is any system by which some members of society act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society."
Added (4). Definition of Government:
the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
the relation between a governed and a governing word.
So if you worked as a librarian or post officer worker, you also have the legal state right to confiscate any private property or assets if you suspect it being involved in a crime.
You can use it to get rich just like police departments do.
I bought a iPhone 7+ and told it was unlocked (which wasn't the case). The person isn't responding to my messages either and it didn't have a sim when I got it. The network says not available! I don't know who the service is through and can't use the phone cause it says SIMS NOT SUPPORTED is there a way I can find out who the carrier is?
I plug in my iPhone via USB. The phone asks if I want to trust the computer. I click "Trust". The iPhone connects to iTunes on my PC. The PC dings like it normally would when you connect a USB device. However, nothing appears in 'This PC'. I spent 90 minutes on the phone with Apple Support. We did an ARA session which allows them to view my PC screen. The tech had to give up.
I have the most current drivers installed on the PC.
When I first bought the phone the volume was loud, now 6 weeks later I can hardly hear anything.
I'm currently in the search of an Iphone. I'm trying to decide between two. Please help me! Should I get the Iphone XR or the Iphone XS max?
I'm looking for a cheap yet sleek looking iPhone and all the iphones over the SE are so expensive… Which one should I buy… It would be refurbished phone btw…
Is it normal for my iphone 7 (ios12.4) to charge very slowly past 80-85 battery percentage?