How to my switch verizon iphone 4s to straight talk?

I have recently been told that I can use my iphone for verizon for straight talk. I just need to know how the WHOLE process of switching so whenever my sim card comes in I can immediately switch my phone over.
Thank you so much!
p.s. No bull *** answers! And if you found a website that will give me clear a step by step process please leave a link.

Iphone 4s: Shutting off even with a full charge?

I have had my Iphone 4s for maybe a year or less, but it has had a previous owner, my sister. It can have 80% or higher and it will shut down, then when I try to power it back on it has the plug in charger symbol as if it has no battery. However, if I wait, I can power it back on but it will shut down again soon after depending on the moment. Does it require a new battery or just a restore?

Added (1). -new info-
I've done a hard reset and and restore and it still is shutting off on me unless its on a charger. What's even worse now is that the charger isn't working properly.So, basically, I have lost all use of my phone even though it had a high charge last I checked. It's not too important but it does help me ride the bus to school, and my ride is around an hour. I'll just have to read on the bus without my music. *sadface*

How to transfer pokemon save file to PC?

Right now I'm playing pokemon emerald on my samsung galaxy s3 with My Boy GBA emulator and I having trouble in Mirage tower. I wanted to transfer my save data to PC so I can get pass it with cheat codes. (I'm currently using the free version of My Boy GBA emulator and it doesn't allow me to use 2 lines codes.) I've looked up on youtube and most of tutorial videos are made with Ipod or Iphone version. Does anyone know how to transfer pokemon save data from Galaxy S3 to PC?

Iphone 4s, Can't access internet away from Wi-Fi?

Whenever I use my iphone 4 internet away from a Wi-Fi network it pops up saying "Could Not Activate Cellular Data Network! You are not subscribed to a cellular data service'' I have tried restoring and changing the cellular data settings, 3G settings and Wi-Fi settings. I recently came back from overseas and since then it hasn't been working?

Facetiming while in England?

My whole family has Iphones (4 and 4s) and my mother and I will be visiting England for a week in June and we were trying to find a way to communicate without getting hit with high roaming charges. Face times seems to be the answer because it uses Wi-Fi (the hotel we're staying at has free Wi-Fi) which would mean we could talk/see each other for free since no minutes will be used. However, since they are American phones, will we be able to connect to an international Wi-Fi area, and if we can connect will we simply be able to click the face time option in the contacts and be connected? Or do we need our phone unlocked/jail broken like I keep seeing on these message boards?

Are all otterbox cases waterproof?

I was walking back home and it started raining HARD I had my phone in the pocket of my sweater. I kept checking if my pockets were dry. They were, but I'm not too sure my phone was protected because my sweater was drenched in water. I have an iPhone 4s? Do you think I'm screwed?