Block unknown numbers from iphone4?

Some one keeps on stalking me and keeps calling me. I've contacted my server

company but they said they can't do it ( I'm on optus) theyve suggested I should change my number for $55 dollars but I don't
Want to, it's so expensive! I don't
Want to jailbreak my iPhone either. I know who they are but I've told them to stop but they still keep on calling me! I recognize her voice, she acts like she has an Indian accent but I know it's her but she won't admit it! Is there anyway to block these calls and texts from unknown numbers without jailbreaking
My phone? I've already told server company, but they don't provide
This service

Does verizon still have basic data plans?

I'm looking to upgrade to an iphone 5. I just need a data plan for my phone. I DON't NEED SHARE EVERYTHING. Can i still get that $30 data plan? Is it still available?

Something shaking in iPhone 5 EarBuds?

This is more than the normal bass rattle. There's literally something detached inside the right EarBud and anytime I take a step, move my head, or anything at all, I hear it jingling inside! It's so obnoxious! Is there an easy fix or should I just try to get another pair from the Apple Store?

I can't follow people on Instagram?

I try to follow users on Instagram, It does not work. It says 'following' for a few seconds then quickly changes back to 'follow'. I have two accounts and I may follow users on my other account but not on my regular one. This is only happening on my Iphone, but works perfectly on my computer. (I have only followed 4 people so I have not gone over the limit, although I followed a lot of people to try get it to work again - It didn't help) Is there something that can be done?

Any sites to watch TV series' on an iPhone?

I was just wondering whether or not anybody knew about good sites compatible with the iPhone where I could watch series' online.

GorillaVid and Putlocker are sound, but they aren't compatible.

Cheers people!

Added (1). Really? Whenever I try to watch something the 'play' icon doesn't appear. Is there an app?

Will my sprint iphone 4s work with at&t?

So I'm going to buy an Iphone 4s from my friend. But its sprint. And i have att… Will it work on att… I already have a sim card. From my old phone. That broke…

IPhone not working with Straight Talk?

I bought the AT&T sim with Straight Talk and it worked fine, 3G and everything worked (after using but I recently restored my phone on iTunes and now it just says "No Service" with my sim. Also, Straight Talk sells iPhones now, so I know it works still.