IPhone 5 Help! Keeps pressing buttons?

I have an iPhone 5 and last night, by itself, it just started to press buttons. It would open up my calendar, then it would open up the app store. If it was locked it would go into emergency dialing and press random numbers…

If I were to describe it, it's like my iPhone is possessed.

I've tried turning off and on as well as restoring. Nothing has worked so far.

Car stereo won't play my ipod or iphone through usb port?

I have a brand new sony car stereo model #cdx-gt40uw xplod. Good quality stereo, but the only problem I have is the USB port. When I plug in the usb cord from my ipod touch or ipod 4s into the usb port which is located on the front of the stereo it will say "not recognized."

what's going on?

Also if anyone knows how to change the time on this thing it would help a lot too lol

My Iphone screen turned black?

I'm queen at breaking phones. I've had my Iphone 4 for a while.since the summer. I've broken the screen before but got it fixed. Then a few months later I dropped it again while at a store. And then my sister dropped it and a few glass chunks broke off of it. You could say that my phone is ***. Today I dropped it on my wood floor and the screen turned black and won't turn on. I put it in the charger to see if something happened. It vibrated but the screen was still black. I tried to unplug and do it again, but now not only the screen won't work, but it's not vibrating either. How can I fix my phone? Or is it long gone?

How to put pictures of the iphone in the facebook app?

I downloaded the facebook app but when i got in it asked me, if i wanted to let facebook use your pictures, and i put "no", but now i want to put some photos of me on facebook and i can't. Is there a way i put the photos in facebook using the facebook app?

How to fix my lock button on my iphone?

I dropped my phone in the toilet 2 days ago and i got it out right away and dried it off, blew on the outlets and stuff, then put it in rice.i've just taken it out and everything works except for the lock button. My question is, is there anything i'm missing that i haven't done that could fix it? Also i heard that with your year warranty you can get a new phone but not if its water damaged. But what if i just say that the lock button broke? Would they give me a new phone?

Added (1). Also i purchased the phone with verizon with no insurance or anything. Is there a 1 year warranty for verizon? If not am i eligible for the apple store warranty?

Can my employer track/trace my Website searches?

I've been informed that my employer can track/trace my website searches because the iPhone belongs to them?

Is this true or am I being paranoid!

I do use the iPhone at my home using my Wi-Fi and use the Internet for shopping and stuff.

Please advise