My iphone 5 is brand new, has never been dropped and it rattles?

Important question about iPhone 5, can anyone help?

So I got my iPhone 5 just right before Christmas. I absolutely love everything about it except one small thing. About two weeks ago, I noticed a small rattle when I tap the phone on the back near the camera or when I set it down. If I'm on a call and it vibrates, there's a small shake after the vibrate stops. I live overseas and do not have access to an Apple store right now. I've done a lot of research on this issue and gotten mixed answers. Some people go to the Genius Bar and get their phones replaced, and some get turned away with "it's normal, no need to worry". I don't know anyone that has a phone that rattle like mine. It's not a thud, as some people say is a result of a loose battery. Does anyone else have this issue? Have you gone to Apple? Did they replace it for you? And if I'm to go back to the states in August and go to an apple store, would they replace it, as the warranty would still have a few months till it would expire? I really need to get definitive detailed answers.

Can a GPS device be tracked if it is stolen?

A few weeks ago my roommate and I were robbed. They took some small electronics such as a GPS device (such as one that can be mounted on the windsheild of a car) and an Iphone.

The police didn't mention anything of it when making a report, but would it be possible to track the GPS unit if the thief powered it up and decided to drive around with it, perhaps if the police knew the serial number? It is a GPS tracking device after all!

The iphone was promptly turned off by the thief but would it be possible to do the same with it since it contains GPS capabilities?

This leads me to a third question, Could the police use a GPS device to track a stolen car, provided that the thief was stupid enough to use it in the stolen vehicle and the police could be provided with the serial number? My friends car was also recently stolen.

Is 250mb of data good on an iphone?

I'm currently researching my contract I'd like to get when I upgrade (I'm 13, and I'm hoping to get my first iphone, eeek!) I was thinking, is 250mb good on an iPhone 4S with 16gb? What would it let me do? What would it not let me do? What is the different between the 16gb and 250mb? Is it ok for a 13 year old who doesn't have facebook(deactivated it-BORING)and is addicted to twitter.

About Iphone - 4, 8GB. What are itunes?

I want to buy iphone-4
i want to know someting -
1. I heard in IPHONE-4 we can't share file from our pc to iphone and vice-versa(due to copyrights) is it true?
2. We can't share files via bluetooth. Is it true?

3. I'm a not so rich i only can purchase it once, so is their any other cost for examples - downloading mp3 form different free sites
apple say it have a copyright so you have to buy it from itunes… WTF.
4. What is role of itunes?

My iphone 3gs won't turn on or restore without turning at mid point of the process?

My iphone 3gs turned off yesterday, when i looked at my phone it was looping the apple logo over and over as if it was trying to reboot but couldnt. My phone is completely up to date with software and is not jail broken etc.
when i plugged my phone into a wall it started looping the reboot process over and over with the apple logo coming and going again, however when plugged it into my lap top it displayed the "connect to itunes", i then put it in to the recovery process on tunes
it then extracted the software but after that point the phone would disconnect from the laptop (reboot again) and the process is disrupted, i've done this countless time but the same result, the usual error number is 1611
iver tried a few computers still nothing, this is so f***king annoying, its completely useless.

Can any body give me some kind of solution please, i need my iphone working

What is the little hole besides the headphone jack on the iphone 4?

Okay i have heard people with att that has an iphone say that if they stick a pin in the hole that a dim card tray will pop out. But my iphone is with sprint so i thought they didn't have sim cards so what will happen if i hit the button.

* i'm not trolling this is my first time having anything from apple i'm a android person.
* please no smart remarks!