Does a silicone case prevent scratches on iphones?

So far my iphone has a small minor scrath on the back. I never dropped it or put it in my pocket with like keys or anything. I ordered a case with a silicone inside and hard outter side. Would this prevent the scratches? I'm not going to have a screen protector on the back but will have one on the front.

Dropped iPhone 4S in snow? Water Damage?

Coming out of my car today, I unknowingly dropped my iPhone in the snow. After walking for maybe five seconds I went back and found it. When I picked it up, there was snow in the charging port but I gently scrapped it out with a tissue and then dried it out with a dry one. It was working fine until about an hour later I tried listening to music with my headphones. I got through about four songs before all of a sudden the music cut out and the charging port started making this weird hissing sound.

I restarted my phone and tried drying it out again. After it came back on, the hissing started for about two seconds and hasn't started again. The only thing that happened was that the music cut out again for a second. I took my headphones out and tried blowing in the headphone jack to see if there was maybe snow in there and it SEEMS okay now… But do you think there could be water damage? Should I bring it to the Apple Store?

It was literally 2cm of snow for maybe 20 seconds. Would that be enough to cause water damage?

Added (1). Ahh the external speakers are no longer working and I'm extremely nervous

Can I get a walmart credit card to finance am iphone 5 with no credit?

I don't have any credit and want to finance a no intrest iphone 5 with straight talk. But I need a credit card. I sobt know if I could e NV en get approved with no credit. It is 25 a month for the iphone plus 45 for sercice card inlimited everything. If not what about a phone plan? About how much would that be, and could I get approved with no credit? Which would be a better decision?

Iphone 5 And new hotmail changed

When i had my old iphone my hotmail on my phone wouldnt delete or anything off my hotmail when i used it on my computer.
right well since i've had my iphone 5 all my messages on my computer on hotmail have deleted when i do it on my iphone. I don't want that to happen
what have i don't on my phone thats making it do this>?

How to make photos look vintage (examples)?

I really need help on what websites, editing programs, iPhone apps i can use to make my photos look vintage-y.


And pictures like the ones on this instagram account.

Will apple replace my iPhone? - 1

I cracked the screen on my iPhone and replaced it myself. A few weeks later my phone is defective. It seems to be working because when i plug it in it will connect with my computer and make the charging sound however the screen is black and unresponsive. Will apple fix this?

How to work facebook app in iphone 4?

Actually i'm using iphone 4 with 5.1.1 version. But there's a problem with new updated facebook app version of is not working in my phone.hen it opens blue & white screen appering,. Guyzzz hep me to solve my pbrlm…