Does sprint do free trade ins on the iphone 5?

My iphone 5 has been having Wi-Fi issues since I got it the day it came out. I was patient and wait for a fix while upgrading my wireless router and changing some setting but it doesn't seem to be working. As of right now I'm ready to break my phone out of anger(I actually threw it on the floor and kicked it around a little, these things are durable!) I've talk to other iphone 5 owners and they said their wireless is fine. I have Sprint, would they do a free trade in or at least downgrade my phone to the 4s, which I know doesn't have Wi-Fi issues, for free?

How to list my iphone 4s on ebay?

I bought a broken iphone 4s from a friend recently, i restored it to almost mint condition and am wondering how i should list it, (unlocked? Locked?) i'm completley clueless, i'm selling it in its original box with a charger headphones and cable. If anyone has done this before what is a good price range?

Prepaid tmobile iphone 5 4g?

So I just activated my iPhone 5 and currently all I get is (E) or edge should my 4g be working? Is there any way I can turn it on? Any info is helpfull thank you

My iphone 4 is going INSANE?

I don't know what's happening but recently, my iphone 4 has been going haywire. It's been playing music on it's own, switching songs, fast forwarding, changing the volume, going on voice control frequently all by itself. I already restarted it and i have the latest iOS update, what's with my phone? It's been a year and a half old though, and i've used 10 GB of space, how can i fix this? It also restarts by itself at times.

Confused about do not disturb on iPhone 5?

I keep seeing commercials and such for this feature on the iPhone 5 and I don't understand what's so great about it or why it's needed. Isn't putting the phone on do not disturb the same thing as just switching it to silent mode? What is the point?

Yelp or the new google maps for iphone?

What's up guys. I recently downloaded the new google maps app for the iphone, which I believe is fantastic. I've noticed that you can search for places like restaurants, and etc, more or less like yelp does. My question is should I still stay with the Yelp app or just use google maps for looking for other stuff besides directions?

My iPhone 4S won't get on the Internet without Wi-Fi?

I have the iPhone 4S and it won't get one the Internet and sometimes won't receive texts without Wi-Fi. I have tried rebooting updating and resetting my settings. On the rare occasion that it does receive or send a text it takes an extremely long time. This problem started just after we switched some lines around to give someone else my upgrade. I use sprint as my service and it started as soon as we switched the lines around and we have taken it into sprint and nothing about the plan has changed.