IMessage and regular text messaging?

Can you block regular text messages, but still use iMessage? This is because I don't have a text messaging plan and would therefore not want to use the regular text messaging on my iPhone or to have to pay for text messages sent to me from non-apple users. OR If i switch to iMessage on my phone, would I not need to block the normal text messages at all because i would just simply not receive them(and therefore not need to pay the.20/text)?

How much memory do i need for my iphone 5?

I like having a bunch of games, a lot of photos(I have between 5 or 6 hundred on mine now, I think, and I like to have some videos on their, and maybe a movie or two

Will an unlocked Iphone from US work in the UK?

I'm planning on buying an unlocked iPhone 5 from america. However I will be living in UK, will it work without any problems? Also which is the best service provider in England for the 4G service?

Buying new iphone in mid contract?

I got my iphone 4s from verizon in january of last year and it's been replaced once. My replaced one seems to freeze more and i'm just thinking about buying the iphone 5. How much will it cost to break that contract? Or are there any ways to avoid the fee?

My iphone won't connect to my secured Wi-Fi?

My iphone5 won't connect to my home Wi-Fi but will connect to other Wi-Fi's (like school, work, friends' Wi-Fi) It connects to home Wi-Fi, however, when I turn off the Wi-Fi's security that requires a password. But I would prefer to have a password on it.

I notice that computers, my sister's andriod phone will connect to the home Wi-Fi but not my iphone when the Wi-Fi has a password set up. The network shows up on my iphone but it says "unable to connect" simply when I try. I also tried "forget this network" and "renew lease" on the networks setting on my phone. Any suggestions?

Added (1). Oh I should mention that my Wi-Fi router is TrendNet. I was hoping there was something in the settings I could change to fix it.

IPhone screen stuck on Apple logo after jailbreaking?

I just restored my iphone completely to try and jailbreak it again. I downloaded redsn0w and the firmware… Did the jailbreak, went back, did the "just boot" and everything seemed to go fine (it said it was done, pineapple logo appeared on my phone screen), but then it never turned on, instead, the apple logo appeared on the screen and won't go away, its just stuck there. Does anybody know what my next step should be? How to fix this? Or had the same problem? Please help…

Added (1). Holding down the home button and power button at the same time made it return to the apple logo and I'm still facing the same problem as before.

IPhone 4s & Wi-Fi button problem?

So about half an hour ago, I was using my iPhone's Wi-Fi. It didn't seem to have any problem. But when I locked it and then unlocked it, Wi-Fi was turned off and the button is now disabled. I can't press it. I turned it off and back on a million times. I tried the hard reset trick? Nothing worked! Can anyone help me! Please!
ps. Version: 6.0 (10A403), and I dropped it by mistake if that changes anything.

Can't find phone and contacts icons on iPhone 4: How to get them back?

I have an iPhone 4 and I can't find the 'phone' and 'contacts' item on the homescreen. I got my phone a few months back and they were there, but I noticed a couple of weeks ago that they were gone.

When I go scroll across to the page where you search and I double click, there are items listed on the bottom and the contact and phone icons are there. So I can get the them.

How do I get the icons back to the homescreen?

Added (1). I looked on every page and they aren't on it. How do I restart without getting rid of all my saved numbers, paid apps and music?

Added (2). I got it from my sister and she already updated it to iOS 6.0 and a few months back it automatically updated to iOS 6.0.1

Why do people do this in school?

Well today in school i was walking in the halls the school day had just ended i was walking in the halls playing one of the apps on my iphone ( it's only iphone 3gs ) so all of a sudden as i'm walking in the halls and all of a sudden i was unable to move forward because a group of students just stopped at somebody's locker and were chatting so I'm trying to get through the big crowd of people trying to walk through the halls and the kids stopping in the halls having these conversations and some boy in my grade just shoves me forward and says 'Move' ( i assume he would have done it to anyone else who he thought was in his way ) i was not even shoving kids out of the way or being rude at all and iv'e never pushed another student out of the way in school and teacher just stood there while kids were blocking the halls and shoving others out of the way i also saw several other students get shoved out of the way to and i just thought in my head 'Really Bit** what did i ever do to you to get pushed in the halls' of course i didn't say those words out loud but i was pretty close to

so why do kids just stop in the hallways to talk to their and friends
why do kids push and shove other people out of the way and say 'MOVE"

i think it's extremely disrespectful and rude to other kids

p.s i'm in 8th grade and in middle school