My entire iTunes library is gone?
A couple days ago I noticed that the iTunes file on my compter had spontaeneously copied itself to the Pictures library on my computer. I had no idea why, but when I tried to move it back to the Music library I got a message saying that the destination folder is the same as the source folder. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, so I left it alone. Today, I went to open up iTunes on my computer and I immediately noticed that something was wrong. The Purchased tab was gone, replaced by an unfamiliar iTunes Match tab, and when I tried to go into the Music tab, it was completely empty. I went to see if my iTunes account had accidentally been logged out of, but it was untouched. I went into my Music library tab on my computer and clicked into the iTunes file. Everything seemed fine, until I realized that the iTunes media, the file with all my songs, was missing. I also checked the mysterious iTunes file in my Pictures library, and it was the same situation. I'm concerned because I have quite a few mp3 files I downloaded from 4shared, and I probably can't get them back since I didn't purchase them from iTunes. I do, however, have my entire music library on my iPhone, and I want to sync it with my computer and copy the songs on my phone back into iTunes. But, when I plugged my phone in and attempted a sync on iTunes, I got a warning saying that songs in my iTunes library would replace the songs on my iPhone. If I did that, it would virtually destroy all the songs I have on my phone. Is there any way that I can transfer the songs on my phone back into my iTunes library, without directly syncing with iTunes?