My entire iTunes library is gone?

A couple days ago I noticed that the iTunes file on my compter had spontaeneously copied itself to the Pictures library on my computer. I had no idea why, but when I tried to move it back to the Music library I got a message saying that the destination folder is the same as the source folder. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, so I left it alone. Today, I went to open up iTunes on my computer and I immediately noticed that something was wrong. The Purchased tab was gone, replaced by an unfamiliar iTunes Match tab, and when I tried to go into the Music tab, it was completely empty. I went to see if my iTunes account had accidentally been logged out of, but it was untouched. I went into my Music library tab on my computer and clicked into the iTunes file. Everything seemed fine, until I realized that the iTunes media, the file with all my songs, was missing. I also checked the mysterious iTunes file in my Pictures library, and it was the same situation. I'm concerned because I have quite a few mp3 files I downloaded from 4shared, and I probably can't get them back since I didn't purchase them from iTunes. I do, however, have my entire music library on my iPhone, and I want to sync it with my computer and copy the songs on my phone back into iTunes. But, when I plugged my phone in and attempted a sync on iTunes, I got a warning saying that songs in my iTunes library would replace the songs on my iPhone. If I did that, it would virtually destroy all the songs I have on my phone. Is there any way that I can transfer the songs on my phone back into my iTunes library, without directly syncing with iTunes?

Is it worth paying extra for the iPhone 4S?

I'm with Virgin Mobile a non-contract carrier and I'm asking for an iPhone for my birthday. They offer the iPhone 4 8GB and the iPhone 4S 16GB. The 4 is $350 and the 4S is $450.Is it worth the extra space and siri? I'm trying to pay for half of it because I feel guilty it is so expensive! What should I chose? I'm a 15 year old girl (I take pictures, listen to music, etc so the 16GB would be best but I don't know if it is worth the extra $100).

Are iphone and ipod chargers interchangeable?

I have the ipod classic and I'm looking for a usb charger to stick into my laptop. I found one but it says "apple iphone 4s charger" Is the but of iphones, ipads and ipods all the same or should I specifically get an ipod charger?

IPhone 3GS went dead but won't turn back on?

My iPhone ran dead, and it won't turn back on. It's been plugged in to an outlet for over an hour, but I'm getting nothing. When I plug it in, I get a low bar sign and the power symbol, but it's been showing that for an hour. It recognizes that it's plugged in, because when I unplug it, it says it needs to be plugged in. I've had this phone for 2 years, so it's pretty old, but I can't get a new phone for awhile. Any solutions for getting it to turn back on? I've already tried holding the home and power button, but that did nothing.

How to change numbers on a used iPhone?

I got this used iPhone but their phone number is still connected to the phone? I'm pretty sure it's deactivated though because I haven't received any texts or calls from anyone. I was just wondering how I could put MY phone number on the phone instead of the other one. Plus it is a VERIZON iPhone if that helps.

How to get my audio to work on my iPhone?

My volume doesn't work AT All an it's driving me crazy I can't listen to music and can't hear any incoming calls or texts. Sometimes it'll work but then it says the headphones are still plugged in and they aren't. I need help it'd be really nice if I wouldn't have to pay for a new phone. I'm saving up money. Earlier today I did drop my phone in the snow but here the snow isn't all wet and slushy so that wouldn't do much would it? Anyways I need help:-/