Please explain Data Usage to me?
I have an AT&T iPhone 4S. Every month I'm not allowed to go over my 12GB data usage plan, and if I do I get charged for it. Well, today my mom got mad at me and yelled at me over how my phone bill was about 100 last month, and that it was because I had gone over my monthly data usage plan.
Originally, my mother told me "data" was only the 4G aspect of my iPhone, but now she has told me it is everything on my phone (texting, 4G, using apps, etc.). This seems like a bunch of bologna to me because my mom, brother, and sister's phones all aren't charged this way (they have all had their iPhones for longer than I have).
So, can someone please explain to me exactly what "data" or "data usage" is so I know what I need to limit doing on my iPhone each month?