How to fix the contact list on my iphone?

My Boyfriend accidentally synced his contacts to my iPhone, so when I logged in, mine got synced with his and somehow got multiplied. Is there a possible quick fix? Is there a way to do this from my itunes? I want to keep my contacts, but delete all of his. I'm not a whiz with Apple stuff, but get the basic gist of it.

Are people losing the ability to explain themselves and communicate?

I saw this question:

"I have an iPhone and if I download or go on YouTube I loose data I don't know what that means and what's a expansion and what's the difference with a iPod"… And I see may other similar questions where I have no idea what the person is talking about. What's going on? Are people seriously not able to ask a simple question properly? The literacy rate in the US is officially 99% (REF: ) but to read some of these questions, you'd think it was 1%.

Added (1). @Shih Tzu - "Do you think it is laziness, a fad, do they think it's 'cool'?'

I don't know, really. I live in a country where English is not the first language, but many people here still speak and write better English than I see on here.

Added (2). I believe that the ability to communicate your thoughts clearly is a beautiful thing. It's a basic skill that will serve you well in any profession.

How much is it to fix my iPhone 5 home button?

I dropped my phone and now my home screen button doesn't work. I know about the accessibility button but I really want the home screen button to work. I still have my warranty, so will it cost if I take it to the Genius bar? How much? And how long?

Also, in the mean time - will they give me a replacement phone or?

My niece is a brat that does whatever she pleases?

K'so i'm currently living in my cousin's house and he has a 12 year old daughter that always gets her way.
She talks back to her parents, doesn't obey rules (ex: if she is told to get off the computer at a certain time she does get off but when she knows that her parents are already asleep she uses it again). They have a two bedroom apartment and i sleep in the living room and the computer is in the living room so i don't really sleep throughout the night and she knows i have work early in the morning. Her parents talk about this to her and she says ok and a few days later she's doing it again and they don't say anything. She never gets grounded and is about to get a new phone after she lost her iphone a few days later after she got it. So basically she does her parents how she wants. I know that i'm a guest in their house which is why i haven't confronted her or her parents about this but i really can't take it anymore.also, i can't move out because i just came to this city and i haven't gotten a job yet. I'm using her Yahoo answers and i know its wrong but i don't have a yahoo and she leaves her account on so i thought "hey. Why not?".so please answer and tell me what i should do about the situation.