How to get FaceTime on iPhone 5?

I have the iPhone 5, and I want to talk to my friends on FaceTime but I don't know how to get it on there or what is the best app please help?!

Why do I have to restart my Dell laptop to reconnect to the internet?

I have Wi-Fi internet with Charter but we have a lot of connection problems. My ipad and iphone automatically reconnects as soon as internet if availible again but my laptop has to be restarted for me to get back on the internet is there something I can change in the settings to fix this?

How to add music onto a recorded video on iPhone 5?

I recorded a really funny video of my bird doing gangnam style but there wasn't any music and I don't think he will do it again. I have gangnam style on my phone so is there a way to add the music to the video?

What are some good anime site for iphone or ipad?

My labtop finally crapped out on me and will take me awhile to buy a new one. It has been my source of anime for years, but now I have to switch to my iPad. I don't really know any good sites for my device, so help me if you can.

T-Mobile iPhone group messaging?

K so I have a factory unlocked(no jailbreak! NEVER!) iPhone 4S. I have everything working perfectly. FaceTime and iMessage both work with my phone number I didn't need any fixes for that. MMS(not iMessage) works perfect! I typed in a few things in settings and VOILA! And sending pics over iMessage always worked from the beginning. I even have 3G data service in my area which is sweet! So, one thing I do every day is group iMessage with all my friends. Almost all my friends have an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. And group texting over iMessage works fine. Lately we have discussed adding our two other friends who don't have an iOS device, and have regular cell phones into the group text. But once the text switches to SMS, it will go through as an Outgoing message and it sends separately to everyone, and all replies are separate. I have MMS Messaging turned on in settings, but there's no Group Messaging option in settings like there's on my friend's AT&T iPhone 4S, and my other friend's Verizon iPhone 5. Are there any fixes for group SMS on T-mobile iPhone 4S factory unlocked? Anything to type in settings? I REFUSE to jailbreak. No hacktivating for me, k?

Which USB can I use with my 2009 CTS?

I've been looking to download some music onto a flash drive since my CTS won't recognize my iphone and I wouldn't want to keep it in there anyways. I was just curious about the process of putting the music onto the flash drive and then playing it through the car… I obviously use iTunes for all of my music and assume that it's compatible with the car. Also are there any USBs that aren't compatible? What are some that work without a doubt.