Using Iphone with cellular plan but no data plan?

I have received a hand me down IPhone 4 from my brother and it has now been deactivated of its previous service. I would like to transfer my Verizon cellular service onto the phone without having to pay for an expensive monthly data plan since there's Wi-Fi at my house and school. My old phone is an LG Env3 (not a smart phone). I have looked all over the web for an answer about this but websites are saying it isn't possible. Is there a way i can either jailbreak, unlock, or do anything else to this IPhone in order to put my cellular plan on it without having to pay for a data plan?

What is the other that takes up 9 GB of my iphone memory?

When i plug in my 16 GB iPhone 4s iTunes shows that 9 GB are taken up by
"other" i only have 200 songs and less that 400 pictures 0 videos and delete my emails and texts and i restored it to factory settings christmas eve, what takes all this memory?

How to keep songs I deleted off my iPhone?

I put on many songs onto my iPhone, but I realised I probably wouldn't listen to all of them. I deleted some from my iPhone, but not off of my computer's sync list. Then I downloaded some songs to my iTunes on my computer that I want to put onto my phone. Unfortunately, when I sync my phone and computer, all the songs I had previously deleted from the phone were put on again!
My question is, is there a way to keep my computer from adding any previously deleted songs to my phone?
(I have quite a few of them, so I'd rather not go one at a time.)

How to get my iPhone 5 on Straight Talk?

I want to know the different options, I've done research for a ton of hours, literally like 12 hours, and I'm still confused. If I get the subsidized Verizon iPhone 5, then pay the termination fee, can I use it with Straight Talk's GSM (ATT) network? Can I also use it with Page Plus? Would it be better to get Apple's unlocked iPhone 5? (model A1428) What is my best option, also considering re-sell value, which doesn't drop much for Apple products, Verizon iPhone or Apple's unlocked iPhone? They both cost around the same, but one comes with both Unlocked GSM and a locked CDMA chip (Verizon, and the other comes with ONLY a GSM option (Apple's unlocked iPhone model A1428). I have also done the math and I would save myself around a thousand dollars over the course of the two years which makes the upfront price bearable. I want the 32gb version.

Should i sell my iphone 4s for the new ipod touch 5th generation?

Okay so iv been having a lot of drama going on with idiotic friends/family harassing me spreading rumors online about me etc and i'm about ready to chuck my phone to the wall but instead of doing that i thought i might sell it?
the actual phone part has been disconnected for a while btw so i can even make calls or anything. And my bill somehow is like 300 bucks: P

so should i start over new and just get a basic flip phone but buy an ipod for my music or should i just keep my iphone and pay the bill? Just tell me what you think thanks.

IPhone 3GS Not Charging

I have a iPhone 3GS and it was working fine until this morning it was dead so I plugged it into my wall charger… And it's been on charge for an hour now and it still has the red bar with the lighting bolt underneath. It has never done this before never took this long to charge I don't know what's going on? The iPhone is unlocked and jailbroken. If that helps. But yea please help!

Should I get and Iphone or Ray Ban Sunglasses?

So for Christmas my mom got me a pair of polarized Ray Ban 3016 49mm Clubmasters but they are too small for my face so I was going to exchange them for the 50mm. The glasses both cost $200.00. Instead of getting the sunglasses should I just return them get my money back and buy an iPhone instead since I have been wanting one for awhile now. What's you're opinion because I'm stuck deciding between the two of them.

Added (1). I already have 2 pairs of Ray Bans but they are pretty old

I have an 8gb iPhone 4 but only 6gb in storage?

On the box it says 8GB but when I look on the settings it says 6 GB. My brother and I share the same plan. And my mom told me that we have 6GB to share. So I have 3 and he has 3GB. I'm confused because I'm using more storage than him. Mine says I have 5.4 GB left but my brothers says he has 5.7 GB left? Do we have 8GB on the phone plus the 6GB or do we both have to share 3GB? By the way we use AT&T.