To cut a long story short, i told my parents i was out job seeking in the city centre when I actually was with my boyfriend at a park where i got robbed for my iphone and threatened with a knife at 2.30pm after he left me alone for 5 mins. I made a statement with the police, being 16 i needed a parent there. Since my parents was there i had to lie about the whole thing. I said that i went to the city centre and at 2.15 caught the bus to the park to meet with a friend and together we came home (we live close) and it was at 2.30 i was robbed. So i lied about arriving to the park an hour after I actually did since my parents don't let me out to socialise with friends, i'm not allowed a boyfriend. Will the police inform my parents i got off the bus at 1 (bus cctv) and if there are any footage from the park, will they show i'm with my boyfriend? :/ i have an incredibly strict family, i will never be allowed out again if they know. I live in England if that effects anything.