Technical support - using Iphone/Ipad as a webcam?

Is it possible for someone to use a webcam on their computer/laptop and the receiver be able to use their Ipad/Iphone camera? I thought that it may be possible to use a hotmail account as my hotmail account is linked with my Iphone/Ipad.

My songs on my iPhone won't download onto my new laptops' iTunes?

I have all my songs on my iPhone and my (old) laptop with iTunes. My old laptop got stolen, and I got a new one. I didn't have iCloud on my old one. There's no way of getting the old laptop back and I can't transfer the songs onto the new one for some reason without buying them again. They're all on the same account, and if I do try and add the songs onto the new laptop, it says that I can only have 1 iTunes library per device.

I've tried syncing it, but it doesn't show up in my library.

When I do this it also asks me

"Are you sure you want to remove existing music, movies, TV shows, books, and tones from this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library?

Music, movies, TV shows, books, and tones synced to "My Phone iPhone" from other iTunes libraries will be removed and items will be synced from this iTunes library."

I remove and sync then when I press done this pops up:

"You have changed the settings for the iPhone "My Phone iPhone". Would you like to apply these changes?"

I click apply, then this pops up:

"The iPhone "~~My Phone~~ iPhone" is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library?

An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library."

I don't want to erase the music off of my phone, because it's the only way I can get it onto the new laptop.So, what do I do?

Best way to puroposly crack the back of my iphone?

So I accidently dropped the front side of my iphone in class and it cracked. And I always wanted to try the "sharpie in cracks" kinda thing. But I don't wanna do it in the front considering the screen obviously. And since my front is already ruined I might aswell just crack the back and make it pretty. What's the best way to crack the back of my phone without damaging that inside of my phone? I want the cracks to be "spread out" so I don't want to hit it with a nail or something. And in the end if I don't like it I could always just replace the back or cover it with a case so

Added (1). I do have the Apple extended warrenty and my iphone backed up on my computer so if anything does go wrong I could just get a new phone at the Apple store for $50(: So I'm not THAT worried if it does die, I just rather it not lol

Added (2). Why? I just explained my whole reason in the details…

What do thieves do when they steal a laptop?

Hi, I recently left my macbook pro in a taxi. I know so utterly stupid of me. The next day i went to the police and told them where i got the taxi, what time, colour and type of taxi etc and gave them the serial number of it.

You see I had Find My iPhone installed on it. However it still says no one has connected to the internet on my laptop. (It only shows the location once someone is connected to the internet). I also had Dropbox installed which has a similar feature like this, it shows the last ip address on the computer but it says none has been used since before i left it in the taxi.

My question is, what do thieves normally do when they steal a laptop? Do they just wipe the whole system (which would cause Find My iPhone not to work?) Should i give up hope?

Iphone 4 can't send or receive pictures?

I have an unlocked tmobile iphone 4, i can't send or receive pictures unless the person has an iphone as well. I just got an iphone so i'm not sure if this is something that was supposed to happen with the iphone or something is wrong with mine, thanks!

Trade iphone 5 for Galaxy s3?

I got an iphone 5, i even slept outside store to get it but there's no jailbreak yet and its not looking good. I just love thr freedom i get with a JB plus free apps.Im thinking of trading it for a galaxy s3. I find the operating system supperior plus i can root it. I think hardwere wise iphone 5 is better but s3 has bigger screen, expandable memory, removable battery and such.

What do you think

Why do girls take their iPhones and iPods into the bathroom?

It always seems to be girls rather than boys who have accidents with these things falling into the toilet. This morning, my friend told me at church that she dropped her iPhone into the toilet at home while she was getting ready for church. She went to the bathroom, and it accidentally fell into the toilet just after she flushed it, so it went down along with everything else. Now her parents are going to have to call a plumber tomorrow because the toilet doesn't flush properly now.

Is there a Wi-Fi thermostat that doesn't require outbound internet connectivity?

I have looked @ Ecobee and inquired from customer service and they confirmed that the thermostat is controlled via their central servers.

In other words, say I'm home and connected to the same Wi-Fi router that the termostat is connected to, and using my iPhone to control the thermostat, this is how it would work:

iPhone --> My Wi-Fi Router --> Internet --> Ecobee servers --> Internet --> My Wi-Fi Router --> thermostat!

Now while I certainly see value in how this works, but why can't it be as simple as:
iPhone --> Wi-Fi router --> Honeywell Thermostat

I'm hoping someone knows about a good Wi-Fi thermostat that doesn't work require public internet access? Honeywell?