How to repair my iPhone 5 for recent case?

So I had my iPhone 5 for about two months now and during this time I had an otter box case on it and now that I took it of I noticed that on the top where the screen is and the camera the are around it has been marked by the case and I wanted to know if there was a way to remove it

Taking an internet picture on Instagram?

How do you take a picture of what you look up on your iPhone and Instagram it? Like, I see people take pictures of their texts, song lyrics, etc. And put them on Instagram.

Could i use h20 service on iphone 5?

I wanna get iphone 5 but i don't know if i can use a h2o sim card in it. And also would it matter where the phone came from? For example verizon or sprint or at&t?

Is 1gb enough for an iPhone 4?

I'm getting an iPhone and my data plan is 1 GB.
I download apps a lot, i rarely go on YouTube. I use Facebook and what's app + kik very frequently. When I'm at home and on the school bus I use Wi-Fi! I'm at school from 9 am till 3:15 and on weekends half of the day on it on Saturday and on Sunday, i use the bible a lot cos of youth!

Will it be enough for 1 month?

P.S I'm at home most of the time so. Yea

Do you get charged to activate iMessage on your iPhone?

I want to use iMessage in order to contact other people that have an iPhone/iPod/iPad and I know that it's free provided you have an Internet connection, but when I went to turn it on, it says: "Your carrier may charge for SMS messages used to activate iMessage". What does this mean? What is it going to charge me for?

How to get email on my iphone?

I just got an iphone 4s and i don't know how to connect my email to my phone. I was wondering how to do this if i don't have a yahoo/gmail account, its off of my college website.

Added (1). Once i put my info in another page comes up with things for me to fill in and i'm not sure what to do there

Where can I buy a nano SIM cutter in Tokyo?

I'm currently living in Japan but brought an unlocked iPhone 5 with me from the United States. I wanted to get a b-mobile data-only SIM card for my phone but they do not sell it in the nano SIM card size. I know I won't be able to get LTE with my iPhone 5 but I'm willing to get 3G as long as it means I get any data. Does anyone know where I can buy a nano SIM cutter in Tokyo as well as sandpaper?

My iPhone 4 is completely out of storage

I'm out of storage and Ie deleted as much stuff (apps and photos) as possible! And I barely have any music! I connected it with my computer to see what was taking up all the space and it said that there was like 4.4 GB of 'other' what is this 'other' and how do I get rid of it or something!