Playing music from my iphone in my car?

I have a 2003 ford Taurus SEL, and right now i'm using like a Casette i put in and plug into my phone and play muscic, all is fine and works great.
but I want a adapter that is able to charge my phone and play music, except i'm not really aware on where i plug this into. Is my car applicable for this?

How to get more GB on my iPhone 4?

I only have like 200 pictures and like 11 apps an barely any music and I don't really want to delete more things! And I don't want to have to buy or pay money! Is there something I can download or anything?

Should i get iPhone 5 or wait for 5s?

So i was thinking to buy iPhone 5, but i heard a rumor that 5s coming out soon. I really need to get a new phone because i'm currently using iPhone 3g, and it's not functioning properly.

How to get voice typing on an iphone?

You know the button on your keyboard that you press then you can talk and it'll type it for you? How do you get it there? Btw I have the iphone 4 will it not work on that phone?

How dose an Apple genius check for a water damaged iphone?

SO I dropped my iphone in the sink at work and its working perfectly fine. I know my warranty is going to be finished soon and I want to switch my iphone 4 for a new one before the warranty ends. I opened my iphone ripped out the water damaged marks and put in blank pieces of paper. If you shine a flash light in them they don't appear to have the water damage marks activated. So do the apple geniuses open the iphone and check or just shine in a flash light. Because if you open it its obvious I have tampered with it. I've had friends that have gotten new iphones on the spot.

And would anything happen when the apple head quarters opens the iphone and finds its been tampered with?