I have iPhone 4S can I download version 5 twitter?

I just got this iphone Nov. 2012 on 3year contract. The only app available now for twitter is for 5 & up. Does this mean i can't download twitter. The telus employee that sold me the iPhone did not bother to mention that the 5 was coming out in 2 weeks. I had cell before this and did not know what to ask. My life will not change without twitter i just would like to know if I have the choice to get it though.

Good facial expressions for photos?

So there's this app called Snapchat that you can get on your IPhone. You send a picture of something and it only lasts for a certain amount of time under 10 seconds. This boy I kind of like told me his username on friday and asked for me to snapchat him over the weekend. This may sound really shallow and unimportant, but what face should I make in the picture? I can just smile, or make kind of a silly face, or something. I don't want to look ugly, but I don't want it to seem like I was trying too hard. Any suggestions you have will help.

IPhone 4 lifeproof case - 1

I got a pink lifeproof case for Christmas. I have it on my phone but I can't get the head phone jack cover off. I have tried everything.

What the heck is this stupid voice control on the iPhone?

I have an iPhone 4 and there's this thing called "voice control". I don't even know what it is or what the purpose of it is. But it's become a huge problem on my phone. The "voice control" thing just randomly pops up.It's only when I have the headphones on. Usually I'm trying to watch a youtube video on the phone and then it will close the video while I'm in the middle of it and pop up "voice control" and start playing random songs from my iTunes library. It also sometimes just does it while I'm listening to music, the voice control will keep popping up and interrupting the song I'm listening to. Sometimes it will make the song start playing really fast. What the heck? It's really starting to piss me off. I can't even watch a video or do anything without that stupid annoying thing interrupting.

IPhone 5 Screen Replacement?

I recently used a stylus on my iPhone 5. After using it I noticed that my screen was scratched. My iPhone is still under the one year AppleCare warranty. How much would it cost to replace the screen through apple? Are there better alternative?

What should I do with my iPhone?

As I've said in my previous question I dropped my iPhone in the bath for a quick second and I shook it and put it vertically on a towel

I just turned it on and it was working perfectly with all the sounds and notifications, should I put it on the radiator over the night (the radiators turn on every 40 mins)

I don't have any rice so I can't put it in a bowl of rice

I turned my iPhone off again coz I'm too scared to use it, what should I do? And I won't take it apart idc that's long