How to delete iphone photos?

A couple of months ago my iphone 4s cracked and I bought a new one. I used icloud to transfer all of my contacts and photos to the new phone. There are some photos that I would like to delete that i got from the old phone but it won't let me. I no longer have the old phone that broke. Is there anyway that I can delete these pictures off of my new phone?

How to enable a disabled iPhone 4s without loosing the pictures?

I was at one of my family members house and her children were playing with my iPhone 4s while i was sleeping and now it says iPhone is disabled connect to iTunes but the problem is I've never synced before so that i can put the pictures back on. Is there any way i can somehow re-enable it with out loosing these pictures like maybe jailbreaking it?

How to use AT&T iPhone for Verizon?

I got an iPhone 5 for Christmas so I have my iPhone 4 to my boyfriend. I had AT&T but he has Verizon. How can we switch it? Will jail breaking it make it able to be switched?

Is apple going to make the iphone 5s or 6?

I don't know what's the point of buying a iphone because they make a new one. I was thinking to buy a iphone 5 and I was thinking maybe apple might make the iphone 5s or 6

How to get gifs onto my iphone?

Alright, so I've saved a bunch of random gifs onto my computer. They are saved as gifs, not jpegs or any static images. I have them saved in my iphone picture folder so that they sync to it automatically. But they are only working as images on my phone, they aren't gifs anymore once they've transferred to the phone.