Is Straight Talk a good unexpensive carrier of Iphone (At&t compatible)?

I have an iphone 4 (GSM) and I'm considering using straight talk since it its fairly cheaper than regular At&t plus I don't use the phone as much data-wise (say close to 300 mb a month).

Has anyone have had good experiences using this service provider (in terms of phone signal and data usage - less than 1 gig of course).

Added (1). Please provide good answer with some detail in your area (maybe city and state wise and rural vs suburban). That would be very informative. No SPAM please

Should I buy the iPhone 5 or Macbook Air?

So I'm saving to get one of them but I'm not sure which one! I already have a phone but it's the Nokia C3-00 so it's quite old and I've had it for about 2 1/2 years now. I don't have my own laptop but I share one with my mum and I can use it after school only and I can't take it to school because she uses it for work. (The laptop is an HP laptop not an Apple product.) I also have an iPad Mini.

Recovering music from accidentally synced iPhone 4S?

I plugged my iPhone into my parents computer in order to charge it and I didn't realize that it was syncing. When I unplugged the phone, all of my music was gone. I live three hours away and have all of my music on my computer there but I won't be home for several weeks still. Is there any way that I can recover my lost music now?

Problem with my iphone texting?

When i text someone with my phone it gives them my email address instead of my name on their phone, it has been happening with everyone i text. What is happening could it a problem with my facebook account or something with my phone? How can i fix this?

2007 toyota yaris making a hideous squealing noise when in idle?

My 2007 toyota yaris makes a hideous squealing noise when i'm in idle, particularly when i'm going through a drive through.i've brought it the mechanic numerous times but it never makes the sound when i'm there; i actually had to record it on my iphone for them to get to hear it. They did find that my water pump needed to be replaced, did that and replaced the belt yesterday, but going through the drove through today i found it's still squeaking! Is there anyone that has seen this happen with another yaris? Any ideas how to make my car quiet again? It's so annoying!

How to get my computer and iTunes to recognize my iPhone?

I just got a new desktop computer for Christmas. The brand is Gateway. I wanted to add music to my iPhone 4 (iOS 5) so i
downloaded iTunes. My computer won't recognize my iPhone but my phone does charge, so the usb does work.iTunes won't even recognize my iPhone. How do i fix it?

Use a replacement iPhone on Verizon plan?

I have an old basic phone and my contract with Verizon is up which means I'm allowed a free upgrade! I don't really want to extend my contract with them by upgrading to another phone until I'm 100% sure that I want to stay with them. Right now, money is tight and I may need to switch to another carrier if needed. My cousin has an iPhone 4 that he's not using anymore that is part of Verizon. Will it be possible for me to use it as a replacement phone for my basic phone? I understand it requires a data plan and I'm willing to pay it, but will it extend my contract? Will I be able to cancel the data anytime if I want to switch back to a basic phone since it's a replacement phone for me?