What is better? The Iphone 5 or 4s?

I'm getting a new phone next week and am considering an iphone. Which one is better the 5 or 4s? The cost doesn't matter and i have heard about the glitches on the 5… Are those true?

Where do I take my broken iphone for a new one?

My Iphone dropped 15 ft off onto a fort while I was on vacation. I'm with sprint and it's covered under AC+ for Iphone Enrollment. I have apple care and all that but where do I take it to get a new one? Do I go to Sprint or the Apple store? Please answer.

Iphone 4s microphone problem?

Ok so my wife has a Iphone 4s which seems to have a microphone.
when she makes or recevies call you are not able to hear her very well.
It sound as if she has her hand over the mic. She hasn't dropped it or had it in water or anything like that it just started do this.

I have replace the charging dock and microphone but this hasn't helped.

Can anyone please help

Watch AZNV. TV videos in iPhone 4?

I have iPhone 4 but it seems I can't watch videos from aznv.tv I tried everything: installing video player and opening the URL and watch it but it won't work. Any ideas how I can watch some videos from aznv?

My iPhone turned itself off

My iPhone 4 turned itself off. I tried turning it on, the normal way, and that did not work. I tried holding in the sleep and home button. And that also did not work. I tried connecting to my iTunes with my usb cord, and even that didn't work! What do i do?

How to save a CV/resume on my iphone?

So my laptop is broke and i need a copy of my CV on my iphone to attach when I apply for jobs on my phone.

If i access my hotmail inbox on my iphone i can open the CV but is there a way to save it to my iphone? Any apps or anything?

How to send long iPhone videos to Computer?

I make Youtube videos from my iPhone. I can send large videos directly to Youtube but I want to actually edit parts of the video. I can't seem to find a way to send them to my Computer. I've tried the apps "DropBox" and some other one I can't remember. The upload seems to freeze up everytime I use it though. My only option is to probably upload it on Youtube then find a way to download the youtube video on my computer right? Anyone know a good way of doing that without losing any of the video's quality?

An unknown error has occurred?

Okay, so I'm using Tumblr on my iPhone. It was just fine yesterday but every time I post a photo or reblog it won't let me! -.- I have perfect wi-fi connection because I'm asking this question right now. Does anybody have an idea why it's doing that?