Switching Sprint iPhone 4s to prepaid?

I have been in contract with Sprint on my iPhone for about 13-14 months. If I end the contract and pay the early termination fee, can I then switch to a prepaid service?

IPhone 4s - wall charger or pc-usb?

Just wanted to know if there's a difference between charging via usb or wall charger.
I heard that a slow charge (via pc-usb) will be better as it will "tickle" the cells more. Is this true?
What's the proof of this based on electronics regarding Li-ion batteries?

1. We have 220V sockets in our area
2. My pc has a 650W power supply with a… I guess a power hungry machine since my specs are:
- intel i5 2400 @ 3.10 GHz
- Asus P8P67-M
- GTX 560
- 2 pcs 4Gb RAM DDR3 Kingston (= 8Gb RAM)
- 4 cooler master case fans with 4.2W power consumption each
- 500Gb SATA
- 1 cd drive

How to Get Paid apps for iphone 4s for Free?

That is the main difference from android btw ios,
i know jailbreak is way but is there any way to get Paid apps for iphone 4s for Free Without Jailbreak?
My main motive is to get Gta vice city.
i havnt credit card, so thats why what it free?

Texts and iMessages on the iPhone?

How come sometimes when you text someone from one iPhone to another, it automatically turns blue and becomes an iMessage, but other times it remains green and just stays a text?

How to put audiobook onto my iPhone 4?

I got a load of CDs for Christmas, one of them an Audio book. I put it on to the latest version of iTunes just like a normal cd, but when I put it on a separate playlist, it still comes up with the rest of my songs, so when I shuffle my my music, I get random tracks from the story coming up. Is there anyway I can have it separate to my normal songs? Please explain simply, I'm new to iTunes and cd stuff.


Added (1). I tried deleting the album AFTER creating the playlist, and even deleted each individual track, but it would delete the tracks completely from my phone, and take them from my playlist too.

Is 750 mb of Wi-Fi a lot on an iPhone 4S?

I'm on a new contract for my iPhone 4S and I've only just realised that my Wi-Fi is limited! I only have 750mb! Is this a lot? I'm always connected to Wi-Fi when I'm at home, even when I'm not using it. I only really use it for Facebook and Twitter which I check regularly throughout the day. I sometimes search the web to find out information. I very very rarely go on YouTube using Wi-Fi. Will my Wi-Fi get used up very quickly if I'm using it this often for these websites when I only have 750mb to use throughout the month?

Added (1). It is definitely Wi-Fi! I have 250mb of mobile data (which is the 3G) and then 750mb of Wi-Fi! Wi-Fi is not unlimited on my contract unfortunately! And I only just found that out.

Has anyone had network connection difficulties with their Iphone 5?

I have had my Iphone 5 for a month now and spend half my time trying to get a signal. I have been with Three for the last two year with an android phone with hardly any problems so can't understand why I have such a problem with what I would have considered a top of the range phone.