How to play iPhone music to Clarion NX602?

I have an iPhone 4 and a Clarion NX602 Stereo. I always play music in my car stereo (NX602). Then the new iOS 6 came out, and updated it. When I went to my car, and paired my iPhone 4 to the Clarion NX602 and then, it won't play Music! I have been trying so hard trying to play music on it, all it would work is calling. I checked It was working properly, it was paired and on.

How to avoid using your minutes on a iphone?

Just wondering i have a jailbroken Iphone 4 is there a app *yes i know there like 50 but looking for one that looks almost the same as the regular iphone calling screen.* or a cydia app that can help me avoid useing minutes?

On my iPhone, my mail, calendar, safari, and maps won't open

Hey… So I tried jailbreaking my phone and it didn't work. Anyways, after I stoped trying to jailbreak it, I realized that some of the apps that you can't delete (Mail, Calendar, Safari, and Maps) won't open! They just keep crashing! I really would like these apps to work again so I can use them while I'm on the go. I already tired the dumb little things like turning my phone off and then back on… But it doesn't seem to work!

How to use your iPhone's portable Wi-Fi hotspot without a specific data plan?

I have 16gb iPhone 4S through AT&T and i want to know how to activate the portatble Wi-Fi hotspot. I have 2GB a month data plan for it. On my old phone a Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, i was not able to activate it because my data plan did not allow it. I then rooted my phone, and it worked just fine i was able to provide Wi-Fi to my laptop from my phone. When i try to turn it on, on my iPhone 4S, it says that my data plan does not allow this? Would i have to jailbreak it to use it? Or is there an app i can download to let me use it? Like i said in order to use it on my old phone i had to root it which is like jail breaking for android. I would prefer to download an app and not jailbreak my phone, but if i have to jail break it, how do i do it? Please and thank you?

My iphone will not connect to my Wi-Fi

My iPhone connects to other peoples Wi-Fi but will NOT connect to my Wi-Fi! I've tried everything, and its making me really stressed out! I have my password correct, and it says "unable to connect to *my Wi-Fi name*" EVERY SINGLE TIME! I've reset my iphone netwrok settings also, didn't help. Any other ideas? Please.

How to Bypass Activation Screen on iPhone 4 iOS 6.0.1?

Anyone know how to bypass the activation screen on an iPhone 4 iOS 6.0.1?

I'm stuck on the "Only compatible SIM cards from a supported carrier may be used to activate iPhone. Please insert the SIM card that came with your iPhone or visit a supported carrier's store
to receive a replacement SIM card" screen.

Added (1). Yes. I have tried Jailbreaking it with redsn0w using IPSW, but still doesn't help =\

How does USPS insurance work?

I was wondering can't someone send an expensive item like an iPhone 5 and say it was working, ship it with insurance and then say it was received broken and replace the working one with the broken one? How USPS know that person is lieing? Or they wouldn't? Not that I plan on doing any kind of stupid scam but I'm just wondering how that would work?

Having issues with Iphone 4?

I recently bought a Iphone 4 at&t unlocked 16gb for 50$ on craigslist(not a bad buy… I'm currently on Tmobile network with this phone)
The guy selling it to me didn't mention any problems with the phone but for 50 bucks i honestly didn't care what the problem was.

The first 3 weeks the phone worked wonderful not one sigle problem, then i began to have issues with it. I thought it might of been a fake but i looked it up and if its a fake its the most realistic iphone there's in the world.

so here are he problems:

1. When talking on the cellphone i have to put it on speaker or i can't hear anything
2. The camera stays frozen when i try to switch it to the front camera
3.can't send any messages to any android user(only people with imessage)
4. The headphone jack is not working.
5. And down volume isn't working as well.

i was planning on getting it fix next week but i'm looking at a hefty fine.i've already reset it and tried anything people have suggested on other sites but nothing seems to work. I don't get it i haven't dropped it or anything and everything was working absolutely perfect so what could it be? Water damage from previous owner? Maybe he dropped it?
how to fix?
Any suggestions…

-.- no negativity please