A bead is wedged in my iPhones headphone jack?

The bead was on my iPhone case and somehow it is wedged deep at the bottom of the headphone jack? It is a perfect fit for the hole and won't budge! I have tried using the hove an earring and a knitting needle no luck. I was thinking o maybe crushing the bead then it would come out but how would I do this please help

How to covert files downloaded by torrent with handbrake?

I use handbrake to convert files (generally into mp4) but I can't covert files downloaded from a torrent by handbrake. It says "Your source may be copy protected, badly mastered, or in a format which Handbrake does not support". I know it is not the last one because handbrake can covert avi and other file formats before but it doesn't work when it is from a torrent. What is the problem? If you can't find a solution, are there any other good converters that will convert torrents, especially into mp4 so I could use it i ITunes and on my iphone?

How to remove duplicate photos?

Basically I'm *** at taking pics on my iphone so they're mostly very slightly blurred, and i'm ocd so that won't do at all, thus there's about 3 of EVERY photo… And they're also not perfect duplicates, so the softwares that removes duplicates doesn't do the trick. Any ideas?

Is there a jailbreak for iPhone 5 iOS 6.0.1? - 1

I'm willing to pay. I bought a iPhone 5 a week ago and I always jailbreak all my iPhones, the iPhone 5 has been out for a while so if you could please post a link or email bellow I sure would appreciate it.


Is my iphone 4 hacked or iphone error?

I was on Skype and someone sent me a picture on it via hotmail, I saved the hotmail picture to iPhone photo album and it has his picture and also a black screen on side
When I click it open old iPhone pictures of me that I deleted show up for like 2 seconds on the black screen only, on the picture he sent me, also if its a video it has a video sign on it this is freaking me out as wen I deleted the hotmail pic and store it back it shows different deleted pictures
I tried it on my iPad and it did it to 2 pictures, could the person who sent email hacked camera to get delete pictures? I'm so scared
If they hacked my iPhone what should I do?
Edit/ my iPhone was jail broken but I restored factory and updated software, I think the hacker may have my number could he still Hak my iPhone?
Or is this just an iPhone error?

How to get back what I have copied on my iPhone?

Hi! I was writing a story and copied it just in case I delete it by accident. Sure enough I did! But just before I pasted it again I accidentally copied something else! How do I get that text that I copied first, back!

My Iphone won't stay connected to Wi-Fi

I have an Iphone 4 since october I would try to connect to my Wi-Fi with my 27 lettered and number password then I would lock my screen and it goes back to 3g! Then I would have to type in my password again! Its making me mad! My internet thinging is NETGEAR from cox cables. At my aunts house she has the at&t one and I would step into her house and it would connect all the time at my house I have to retype the password each time. I tried to reset all networks and that didn't work. What should I do?

Why is the other section on my iPhone so high

Why is the other section on my iPhone taking up 4.77 GB? I only have 16gb so that is a HUGE problem. I already restored it once from backup and it even takes up more after! Please help me.

Added (1). No, It wasn't jailbroken and I restored twice and it didn't work.