How to delete contact from iphone 5 completely?

I deleted the number out of my contacts but when i press create a new text and type in the initial the number still comes up with the name? It is listed as other. I don't know how to get rid of it. It comes up as imessage but when i turn imessage off it comes up as text arghh. I've tried turning my phone on and off again btw.

How to access blocked sites on my iPhone?

I live in Pakistan, and YouTube has been blocked here due to a controversial video which was uploaded on the site.
I need to use the site quite a lot, so I have a proxy thing on my laptop.
I was wondering if there was any way to access the site on my iPhone? My iPhone is jail broken by the way.
So, any advice? :0

Free calling app between iPhone and BlackBerry?

My friend and I have iPhone 4S and blackberry bold (old model). Does anyone know an app like viber or Skype that would work on both so that we could voice call for free? We tried viber, Skype, tango, but non are available for the blackberry.

My charger magically disappeared

Right, so this may be stupid but I know I'm not imagining it…
Basically I went to sleep with my phone charging next to me on my nightstand. I go to sleep and when I wake up I see my phone isn't plugged in and is on my pillow? I go back to sleep cos I was pretty tired and when I wake up again I look for my charger and its not there and the plug is turned off! Now I know it's not my mum because she has an iPhone and I have a Blackberry…

Added (1). I have looked everywhere I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem or something?

Added (2). Para I didn't drink at all last night unless you call the drink I drank water:/

Added (3). I found it, my mums friend took it while I slept and didn't tell him and they took it and just put it through our letterbox…

Car cigarette lighter not working?

I know this sounds weird but I have a vw with a 12v outlet and my phone charger works for my iPhone because the silver top broke off and the spring is out but when I plug my gps charger in it doesn't work this is my 4th GPS charger so it's not that… Any reason why this is happening not sure if it's a blown fuse considering my phone still charges

Should I buy the iPhone 5 or spend the money on other things?

I have been saving up for the latest iPhone for 6 months now saving from my birthday and christmas. I'm a hundred dollars off and I'm not quite sure if its worth it. I could wait for the 5s or spend my money on less expensive things like games for the xbox etc.