Dropped iPhone in water, screen is black, sound still works?

So I accidently dropped my phone in water, but the top half didn't fully go in.
The screen stayed on for a couple of seconds then went black.
I quickly pulled it out and immediatly dried it off.
I put it in a bag of white rice last night at midnight and its been in there for 12 hours.
I can hear when someone texts me and calls me but it won't turn on.

IPhone 4 won't show notifications?

I have an iPhone 4 running on the most recent ios 6. The only notifications I receive are text. I have gone in the notification center in my phone and made sure that twitter and instagram are on and show banners and have sound and it still won't work. I have gone in twitters settings and turned notifications on and still nothing… Please Help!

My sound won't work on my iphone

I have the iphone 4 and it fell in the snow today. It got wet and was working fine until and hour later. When i got home i realized when someone tried to call me or i tried to call them i can't hear them. I can't hear my music or videos. But i can hear when someone calls me or when i get a text! I put it in rice i'm not sure if it will work! How can i fix it!

Can I get a Micro SIM for an unlocked iPhone 4S?

I have a Blackberry but would like to now get an iPhone. I can't upgrade until 2014 and so I will buy an unlocked iPhone. My question is; can I get a micro SIM from Orange even though i'm still in contract with them for the blackberry?

Purchased iTunes song won't play on iPhone? - 1

I downloaded it and accidently pressed thhe cancel button while it was still downloading. It shows up like regular songs, but when I try to play it skips to the next song. It won't let me delete it either. Help!

Added (1). When I go to the itunes store it says downloaded like it can play but it won't!

I can't install most of the games on my iphone 3gs ios 4.1?

My brother got a samsung galaxy s3 and all the games works fine on his mobile so he gaved me his old iphone 3gs and i tryed to make it better i went to the itunes to install a new ios and i make it worse. I send it to some1 who can fix it and he did fix it and installed ios 4.1 on it but when i try to install games on it it says… This game need ios 4.2 or 4.3 or better please i need a way to play my games on it i tryed to install 4.2 and 4.3 but didint work. And i can't buy a new iphone if i can i would buy. Please i need help so i can any app i want. I'm not asking for the ios 5 and 6 apps just 4.2 4.3 please <3 i was happy when my brother gave it to me but when i tryed to install my first game it won't let me. P.s i can install games like pes 2010 but i can't install games like where is my water or angry birds.

Is there any way I can see on my iPhone if there's a GPS tracker?

My parents split up but they still share the same verizon account. My mom and I were pretty suspicious that my father has been reading our texts through the account and driving by our apartment complex. Last night I went to my friends to feed their cat and as I was walking out I caught him driving by with absolutely no excuse to be there.
I feel like I'm being followed wherever I go now, so is there any way I can check that he has a tracker on my phone?

Something about exceeding my data allowance under my Verizon family shared plan?

So here's the deal: I have a family plan with 4GB data plan and unlimited text and call which costs 50 bux per month, but what happens if I exceed the total data allowed? I'm a iphone photographer which requires me to constantly upload photos to Instagram almost everyday, and I'm really afraid of being charged a lot if I exceed the total data allowed…