Is there an iPhone 5 jailbreak? Any news?
I see a some websites that are likely scams, but do offer an iPhone 5 jailbreak for a price. None of them are legit right? And is there any word on a new jailbreak being released and when?
I see a some websites that are likely scams, but do offer an iPhone 5 jailbreak for a price. None of them are legit right? And is there any word on a new jailbreak being released and when?
This has happened twice in the past week now. I'll send my boyfriend a text message, and he'll reply with "what does your last sentence mean?" When I ask him what he's talking about, he sends me a screen shot of our conversation… And at the end of a text message I sent him, a random sentence that I certainly did not type appears. It doesn't make any sense. This time is was "Red potatoes last thursday." This time is also replaced my last sentence. What the hell is going on? Has this happened to anyone else? Why is it happening?
I went to the App Store to download Instagram app yet it told me an Update is Required: iOS 4.3.
I don't really know what this meant so I checked if my iPhone needed any updates, but it said it was up to date and it did not need any updates. I went to check again, and it still says the same thing! How can I download the app? Is it my iPhone or something?
Added (1). I already went to iTunes and synced it to it. Yet, it says on the iTunes that the iPhone is up to date still. Or is there a button I'm not clicking on?
And How much would a used iphone 4 cost?
I have the Blackberry Voice and Data plan which is 50 a month. I was wondering if I could take the sim card out of that and put it in an iPhone 3GS and everything will work alright, or is the data plan not compatible or what not.
Is it better to get a iphone 5 with verizon or at&t?
Hi, my friend disabled his iphone 4s and wants me to restore it for him. I can get it to restore via apple, but than I won't be able to jailbreak. How can i check firmware when disabled? I Can't GO INTO SETTINGS AND CHECK IT, i need some type of software that will tell me… All itunes tell me is that it is disabled and must be restored before it tells me anything.
I recently dropped my iPhone and the screen cracked. I replaced the screen and digitiser myself as the one year warranty had ran out. Everything worked fine however, when I charge it, the phone gets too hot to touch and battery life drains far too quickly to be normal. All apps are closed and everything turned off. Is there anyway to fix this? Would replacing the battery help solve this problem?
So my Alienware computer running windows 7 won't connect to Wi-Fi at another house I type in the password correct and it connects to everything else like my iPhone and ipad. What do I do?
I was playing a game on my laptop and I have my little sister (1) my phone to play with. There was a plant with A LOT of water and she threw it in there. When I realized it was in there I quickly took it out and went to the blow dryer. I sucked all the loose water out and put the blow dryer against it. Then I put it in some rice but my dad came in and told me to take it out and put it back to the blow dryer. So I did. It's still drying right now. How can I get the water out faster? We're about to go to dinner and I'm worried. I got a one year warranty but it ended a few weeks ago -.-
Please Help ME! I already got my phone replaced once! I don't want to buy a new one! It's probably been in the water for about 1-3 hours:'(
Please Please Please Help!