Do you get charged for using LTE on the iPhone?

Sometimes where the Wi-Fi icon is on the top left of my iphone screen, it will say LTE which makes the data load faster, am I getting charged or do you just get charged for data roaming?

Do I get charged for putting my sim card in a used iPhone?

My dad upgraded to the 4S recently and I put my sim card in his old 3GS. I didn't have a smartphone before and I was wondering if i will get charged with a data plan if I only go on the internet at home. I have AT&T. Please answer As soon as possible.

Is there a jailbreak for iPhone 4s iOS 6.0.1?

If there's please tell and a link to the site (Free download only and no surveys please)

Added (1). That jailbreak is for pre A-5 devices only and i have an A-5 devices (iphone 4s)

What uses data on my iPhone?

Alright, so I have a pretty small data plan. That doesn't really bother me. I used a little over 90% and my bill ends the 20th of January. That's because I didn't have Wi-Fi on. I know that if you play games with Wi-Fi on, it doesn't use data. I want to know if the following will use data when I'm on Wi-Fi. If you could make a list like I did with yes and no's.that'd be great.
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Did i waste my money on buying the Iphone 3gs? Does it even have instagram?

Ok my mom just bought me a $150 dollar iphone 3gs off of ebay, it looked in pretty good condition and nice. But the thing is all my friends have the 4 and 5… Was that a waste of money? I mean does the 3gs have instagram? Cause thats all i really need to be honest.idc if the phone suckes. Does IPHONE 3GS have instagram?

How to get rid of Other on an Iphone?

When i plug my phone into iTunes it says i have 8.1 gigs of other. I have a 16 gig phone so its taking up half of my room. I've seen other people usual have at most 1 gig. Is there anyway to fix this?

Good iphone apps that are free?

Anyone know any good apps i LOVE photography, games are fun things like temple run r good any organisation apps etc, they have to be FREE

Hiw can i stop paying my iphone 5 verizion plan?

I bought a 16 gb verizion iphone 5 directly from apple and i pay 70$ every month for the plan but i don't want it anymore. I heard that the verizion version comes already factory unlocked so can i just put in another sim and i will already be contract free? Or what do i need to do? The iphone is jailbroken so maybe i can use cydia