Are Sprint Iphone 4s unlocked GSM & GMCA?
I bought recently a sprint iphone 4s but i need it to unlock to use it with t mobile, i read something it says the come unlocked but i'm not sure, are they unlocked?
I bought recently a sprint iphone 4s but i need it to unlock to use it with t mobile, i read something it says the come unlocked but i'm not sure, are they unlocked?
I want to buy new speakers for my room to play my iphone on, should I get a pair of bookshelf speakers like dayton or monoprice with an amplifier or should I get an iHome? Which one would have the best sound quality?
I recently dropped my iPhone 4 on the ground. When I picked it up, the iPhone displayed a message reading 'No Sim Card Installed".It also says "No Sim" on the top left corner where the signal strength is suppose to be at. What do I do? Do I open the iPhone? How can I without damaging the iPhone?
I like to cook and bake, and usually to get recipes I'll just google the dish, click on a few links until I find one that looks good, and often use a few recipes and combine different aspects and add my own ingredients or change amounts.
Ideally this app would allow me to bookmark these recipes from various different websites, and add my own notes/measurements/ingredients. Nice bonuses while I'm app dreaming would be a calorie/nutrition calculator, measurement conversions, and the ability to make my own categories with headings to organize the recipes. Also would be nice if its an Ipad app but iPhone will do.
I want to buy a very thin case for my iPhone 4 but i don't know which one to choose between pinlo slice 3 and desmay the slight!
Which do you advice me to buy?
I'm with Koodo. The most I would pay for it is four hundred dollars, but I'm aiming for a lower price.
Because this site is known for its ignorant visitors who think it's funny to write unnecessary and unhelpful things, I'll make the request for idiot-free responses please.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help. I would prefer to buy it somewhere in Eastern Canada.
I checked the option to have my iPhone manually synced.
My iPhone is filled to capacity, but i want more music. So after checkng off the sync manually option, i deleted about 100 songs straight off my iPhone. Next time i plugged in my iphone to my computer a notification pops up telling me that "60 songs were unable to transfer," and the songs i tried transferring over didn't transfer. A bunch of song titles on my iPhone are now faded out, including those that I wanted to transfer but mostly were those songs that i deleted off my iPhone but were still in my iTunes, meaning they couldnt transfer due to a lack of space.
It's so annoying, please help. I've posted in Apple support forums and they hadnt answered. Thanks everyone
Added (1). Thanks a lot Andrea. The only way i want new songs added to my iphone is just by drag and drop from my itunes to my iphone. I just unchecked all my songs. Does this mean that if i sync, all my songs will be deleted off my phone though? Or am i safe?
Added (2). I don't want to tick/untick songs to manage my library on my iphone because i have 1000+ songs
So basically, I just want to know what counts as data usage. & also, if you have unlimited Internet, does safari still count as data usage?
1st option: i usually use Wi-Fi at home and 3g outside home, so if i leave both Wi-Fi and 3g "on", my phone will automatically connect to Wi-Fi at home and 3g outside.
2nd option: switch on ONLY Wi-Fi at home and change every time to 3g while going out.
which option saves your battery? Is it same
How do i transfer pictures to my pc from my iphone?