Why is instagram going black and crashing?

I have an iphone 6. I've installed the latest update. Still happens. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Still happens. Deleted a lot of photos. Still happens. No idea what's going on.

Does turning off IPhone mobile data prevent phone usage activity on Verizon from tracking my activity?

So, my parents are strict about me staying up late and using my phone and stuff. I don't know why. (Right now I'm on school vacation, and I understand that I should not on school nights). Everyone in my age group does it, and I'm a straight A student. I always get As or A+, not A-. (Class rank #2 btw). I mention this bc my mother says staying up late will make me stupid but I have stayed up late secretly many times in the past, and I'm still doing well in school. I figured out that my dad can see the times I'm using my phone on his Verizon account. He can see if I'm using my phone at 5 PM, 3 AM, 5 AM, etc. So, will turning off my mobile data turn off the tracking? Please respond if you have an answer, and thank you for your time.

Do you think America is headed for disaster?

We have two major problems: the college-system is corrupt. It turns people into liberal idiots. No one knows how to do anything anymore. The other problem is technology. Everyone's stuck inside on their computers and iPhones. No one knows their neighbors and how to work in a community. Your thoughts?

If my sim carrier blocked my personal phone over unpaid contract fees can I sue them for alot?

So in 2016 I took out an iPhone SE on contract then like 4 months later i got stabbed and the person who stabbed me also took my phone because it fell out my pocket during the altercation which I then used as an opportunity to get away. Anyway I bought an iPhone 5c (purchased separately from my contract) and after that and got sent a new sim which I used in my 5c, anyway my last payment of my contract I missed which was literally $39 and I got a letter saying because I missed it for 7 days I needed to pay $100+$39 or my service line will be cut off so I assumed they meant sim card but they blocked my phones reception some how and the phone became obsolete. I'm only remembering now because I've just tried to use the same iPhone with my spare contact sim because I'm with a new carrier which offered me a deal on 2 lines… My old carrier literally shut down my own phone for not paying them, but couldnt shut down a phone that I got stabbed for? Can I sue them for alot of money or not because I see it as an outrage that they've damaged my goods which was not owned by them via phone contact.