Ok heres the deal… My husbands exwife is a lying conniving caddy person and she can't get over him so she is constantly dreaming up things to try to split us up, anyway, long story made short she called my husband and left a voice mail on his phone saying that i have been texting her and that she is taking us to court, problem is she is saying i've text her with harassing text messages but its supposedly from a phone number that IS NOT MINE and i've never heard of the number, i think personally it is a fake phone number from one of those apps you can download on an iphone (which she does have an iphone) where you can text someone from a different number, she is the type of person that would do something like that just to make her self look good.anyway she is saying she is taking us to court over this and my husband is stressing it thinking she has some case but i HAVE NOT TEXT HER will those text messages hold up in court and is there a way i can prove it isn't me… Sorry if this post is all over the place, i'm a stressed out mess i have been dealing with this crazy woman and her antics for 5 years and i'm ready to pull my hair out. (also i need to add--in their divorce papers it says none of either parties family members is suppose to harass either of them so that is why she is trying to say i've texted her when i haven't because she thinks saying i have harassed her will help her get custody of her kids) SHE'S PSYCHO