Why is my Iphone 5 Battery Life so bad lately?

My Iphone 5 has recently been getting very bad battery life. The only things that I have changed have been setting my email to push as well as resetting all of the phones settings. Would the email really hurt my battery that much? I took a shower today for 15 minutes and at first my phone was at 94% and when I got out, my phone was only at 98%.It used to charge so fast and I have no idea what is going on. Please let me know.

How to install apps on iphone china?

I buyed an iphone china and try to install apps of original but it gave an error then i tried java apps apps those apps are not touch then i tried nokia s60v5 some of them works.
can anyone tell me where can i install apps of iphone china.

Why are people so stuck up these days?

I don't have an iPhone or anything apple but it seems like if you don't have an iPhone that people don't wanna be your friend. Like what the ***? I'm 18 & have an Android, not my fault my parents are poor. Why is this world so cliquey?

IPhone 4S water damage

Being the plonker i'm, i dropped my phone down the loo, it was fully emerged. I took it out straight away, tried to remove all the water with a towel, also removing my case.once i done this, i looked at it and striped and colours flashed across the screen and that was it! I'm pretty sure i turnt it off properly holding the home and lock buttons together but the flash keeps on turning on and off: L it is so strange! I then, after finding out an hour later, put my phone in a bowl of uncooked rice and left overnight. Its been in the rice for about 12 hours now and i haven't tried to turn it on or charge it at all.
if anyone knows if i done anything wrong, any tips, or help that doesn't involve an expensive trip to the phone shop would be amazing! I also tried looked for the pink water damage sensor thing so any tips on that would be great thanks: L i really don't know what to do next!

What's wrong with the Wi-Fi on my iPhone 3GS?

I bought a second hand iPhone 3GS, so naturally, I wasn't expecting anything perfect. But one problem I found was that my phone can hardly connect to the Wi-Fi in my house, or anywhere else for that matter. When I'm sitting in the living room, where the Wi-Fi box is, it connect but only with 2 bars, when I go literally anywhere else in the house, it can't find the Wi-Fi, even in the next rooms. I know it isn't a problem with the Wi-Fi because my sister has an iphone 5 which works everywhere in the house, my dad has my sisters old iphone 3gs which works everywhere in the house, and I have an old 2nd Generation ipod touch which also works everywhere.
My only guess is that the internal antenna for the Wi-Fi in the phone is broken or very weak!
Any help or suggestions?

Using an IPhone when moving to different countries?

If I brought an iPhone say from apple out right for 529 in the UK and then moved to Australia could I use the same iPhone on their service providers?
Can then could I move to the US can change service providers again without changing the phone I bought in the UK?

PHP: call a function from a function in a class?

I'm having trouble calling a function within a class. For Example: (I'm writing from my iPhone, so I'm abbreviating a bit)

<? Php
class MyClass {

__construct() {}

public function createField() {
// create a 300 Square Grid with 40x40px Squares }

public function generateSpecialSquares() {
// some squares are better than others oh my!

setPosition (0, 0);

public function setPosition($x, $y) {
// display any sprite at $X,$Y on the Grid }


I've tried the following (each time receiving a certain error)

MyClass->setPosition(0, 0)
$this->setPosition(0, 0)
setPosition(0, 0)

I can't seem to access my functions from within my class. Any help would be appreciated

What repair kit should I buy for an iPhone 4s from Sprint?

I shattered my iPhone 4s screen from Sprint. I want to buy a new repair kit but there are mixed reviews on all of the products on Amazon. I also need to know which one will fit and work well. Anything from any personal experience? Anything would help.