My iPhone won't let my update my applications?

My brother and I both have an itunes account, but I'm the only one in my family with an iPhone. I tryed to update the apps on my phone, and it first my account email came up telling me to input my password, (which I did), and then after a few seconds my brothers account popped up and told me to put his email address in. He doesn't know his password to his account, and doesn't know what the password to that email is either. Is there any way that I can stop my iPhone from asking for my brothers account, and just get it to ask for mine? (I'm sorry if this is confusing but I really really need help, I have over 100 updates and it's getting out of control.)

Can't sign in and see my router settings on my computer?

I have a router wirelessy connected to my computer, iphone, and laptop. I know the username and password because everyday i go on my iphone it asks me to sign into the Wi-Fi. When i type in the ip address into my url it asks for my username and password and when i type it in it doesn't accept it. I've also tried the default passwords like "password, admin, administrator, etc." I have a linksys ea4500

Can someone please help? Much appreciated!

My otterbox cracked, will Otterbox replace it for free?

Hi so yesterday I identically dropped my iPhone on the ground and part of my otter box broke. The part right around the bottom near the plugin cracked off. Now what I want to know is if I can phone otter box and get another case, by the way I have the commuter series. I purchased my otter box in the local Telus shop on November 3rd, now will I have to completely buy a new one, go to my local telus shop and explain to them what happened, or phone otter box and request that they send me a new one?

How much is iphone plan for one person?

I'm on a family plan but I want to get off of that. How much is it for just 1 person to have an iphone5 plan. With unlimited texting and i use the web a lot.

Verizon iPhone 4 screen cracked?

I usually have my iPhone in a speck case, however, I have to take it out of the case to put in in my running armband when I got for runs. I went for a run today and when I took it out of the armband I completely fumbled my phone and dropped it, causing the screen to crack very badly. I got my phone through Verizon and my parents told me that they purchased insurance for the phone. I was wondering if a cracked screen is covered by my phone insurance and if I should go to Verizon to get this fixed or the Apple store?

What can i get for christmas as a main present i'm 15?

I'm 15 and i already have an iphone so don't need a new phone or ipad i have a laptop and 3ds i really want a main present but not sure what i can have.

Added (1). Well i already have the bible and everything i'm a christian so i read it a lot xx

Added (2). Well i already have the bible and everything i'm a christian so i read it a lot xx

My iPhone 4 won't connect to Wi-Fi?

I just purchased a brand new iPhone 4 from the AT&T store and it will not connect to my home Wi-Fi. It isn't my router because it works on my other devices. My phone won't connect to school Wi-Fi either. It isn't because they're is passwords.anyone else ever had this problem? Need help!

Is 1GB of data enough for me?

I'm getting an iPhone so I will mainly be using Facebook and Twitter apps, and occasionally searching on Google. I browse Facebook and Twitter every hour or two hours depending on where I'm, and search Google once a day or once every two days. When I'm at home, I will connect to the Wi-Fi. I will get a 1GB internet data allowance per month: is this enough for my daily internet needs?