Do I need a sim card to activate iphone 4s?
So I'm about to buy a used iphone 4s for cricket but the phone doesn't come with a sim card.
Is that a major problem? Do I even need it? If so where can I buy one for cricket wireless?
So I'm about to buy a used iphone 4s for cricket but the phone doesn't come with a sim card.
Is that a major problem? Do I even need it? If so where can I buy one for cricket wireless?
I'm a alot of data user my job requires alot of emails basically 500 at least per day send and receive
I love streaming music through pandora than when I get home I like to go on facebook like pictures and go on youtube my pan is 3 GB per month and it cost me 110$ per month on verizon
I was thinking of switching to sprint but the speed does not compare to verizon wireless and I really need fast speed from 5 mbs to more
My phone is now on 3G right now and its been 2 weeks sense I paid my bill I can't afford to at least go to 5 GBs
Is there a company that offers at least 5 verizon cost 50 per month I usally pay 30$ for 3GBs
They charge me 137$ per month for 5 GBs
I'm an Iphone user no more than 120$ per month maximum
Added (1). SORRY guys I ment Galaxy user
I don't know what was going through my mind
I got a new mac and i used a flash drive to transfer some of my music, but is there a faster and better way to transfer any of it? It won't let me have some of my songs because i bought them under different itunes accounts. Is there any way to fix that? Also, my explicit songs will sync to both my ipods, but not my iphone. Why is this?
I have no sound on my iphone! It works in music but I don't get incoming calls, text messages, no sound on games, and my keyboard clicks don't work either! What is going on please help!
Added (1). All of my ringers are up too and all the mutes and silences are off!
I just got a new laptop with Windows 8 on it, and I had been playing around with the new os, but when I clicked a couple things on the start window (specifically iHeartradio and the Calendar), they opened up in their own screen, if that makes sense, similar to the different desktops of mac laptops and many of the newer smartphones (mainly iphones).
Anyway, the point is that I have no idea how to close them, and on the specific laptop I got from HP - the HP ENVY m4 Entertainment PC - has a feature on the mousepad with a silver ring around it. When I run my finger along the ring along with the mousepad (usually accidentally), it switches to the other applications I have open (thus the annoyance of the issue). Does anyone know how to close them? I've tried doing so from the start window and the applications themselves, but can't find out how to close them.
I just purchased a new iPhone 4S. I previously had an iTunes account for my old iTouch. When I plugged my iPhone into my computer, it asked if I wanted to sync my phone with my old iTouch information. I clicked yes, and it added all of the contacts from my iTouch. I have 980 songs, which all synced over as well. But when I went to my music section in my iPhone, all the songs were in light gray font and I couldn't select any of them. I re-synced my iPhone with my iTunes account, but I still can't select them on my phone. It's weird because the name of each song appears on my screen but I can't select it.
I really want an iPhone and I might end up winning one! But if I win an iPhone will I still have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for the data plan?
Hi am using a 3gs with ios6 please send me a steps to help extend battery. It is ok if i have to re-do all the procedure all over i may have missed a few set ups along the way.
Another question is it normal that even on standby you see the battery percentage drain every hour?
and i can't seem to find the compass calibration?
Please help, I just want to use some features without worrying about the battery drain.
BlackBerry 9900 or iPhone 5?
I'm getting an iPhone 5 this week, but I heard that you have to plug it into a computer to sync it with an iTunes account before you can use. My computer recently broke, so what can I do? Someone said that you don't have to plug it in to a computer because of iCloud, is this true?