Why is my iPhone 4 so messed up?
My iphone4 is only a year old and I got it brand new. It will connect to my Wi-Fi and then 30 seconds later the Internet won't work. It still says I have Wi-Fi on but it won't load and it has nothing to do with my connection because my iMac, laptop, ps3, and Xbox all connect perfect to it. And another thing. My iMessage is so messed. I'll send my friends who have iMessage and they all have iOS 6.0.1 a message and it says it sent and a phew minutes later ill giro the message an it will say sent as text. Even though when I sent it, it was blue. This happens a lot. And I've tried restoring my phone. I've rest the networks. I've rest my Wi-Fi. But nothing works. I have dropped my phone quite a bit but this has never happens before so I'm not guessing it has to do with anything on the j side. But it mite. And I mite cancel my phone and get a new one cuz it does has a cracked screen and should I get an iPhone 5 or galaxy s3?